Accompaniment in Faith and Light Formation 2010 Faith and Light International
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 2 Emmaus Lk 24, 13-35
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 3
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 4 Jesus approaches them and walks with them… He enters into conversation with them… “What are you talking about?”… “Are you the only one who does not know?”… “What is going on?”… They tell him of their experience… Jesus reminds and interprets… “Stay with us!”… He takes the bread… breaks it… offers to them… They remember… They see… “Weren’t our hearts burning?”… Immediately they get back on the road and return to the community…
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 5 To accompany… Company –With bread Companion –The one with whom I eat bread To walk together To be with To take nourishment together
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 6 Communion There is –an invitation –An openness –a welcome There is someone walking with me, sharing the joys and the difficulties of the journey
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 7 To accompany… To challenge what is strong… what is strong… To nurture and foster growth…
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 8 A relationship for which both parties share responsibility Fully engaged in the relationship Building communion Having “good faith” Taking initiatives Maintaining frequent and open communication Seeking the good of all
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 9 Types of accompaniment SpiritualPersonalFunctional In Faith and Light we have functional accompaniment of leaders and teams.
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 10 Accompaniment in Faith and Light FUNCTIONAL accompaniment A personal relationship focused on the role How I live the role How I am in the role Accompaniment is not supervision!
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 11 Assisting… In regular tasks, if needed… In special situations… In the transition after election… When facing problems… In deepening roots in the vision of Faith and Light
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 12 Accompaniment is a process that unfolds in a spiral...
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 13 Accompaniment is a Process… Because we all need someone –To listen –To affirm and to give thanks –To support our growth –To challenge ->To become better in our role and responsibilities –To help Faith and Light -> In its vocation,goals, mission Because no one should be alone in their service.
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 14 …to establish bonds of trust and communion…
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 15 … that allow us to Be real Be simple Be transparent Express needs and concerns Share our experience Share our weakness Recognize our strengths
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 16 Accompaniment is based on Truth Service Seeking together
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 17 Accompaniment is rooted in truth –About Faith and Light –About the needs –About the role –About the persons involved Accompaniment is lived as a service –Authority exercised in service –Following the example of Jesus Part of accompaniment is always seeking the truth together.
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 18 Successful Accompaniment We need to make some fundamental choices: To journey in humility; To pray for the persons we accompany and who accompany us; To be faithful to the vision of Faith and Light.
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 19 In accompaniment, in Faith and Light, We follow Jesus… and the disciples of Emmaus…
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 20 Called to be faithful to Jesus… –Being, doing, loving, walking, sharing, giving oneself, washing each other’s feet as Jesus did… –Entering a relationship of mutuality, where there is dialogue / conversation Both talk Both listen –Recognizing what is going on with me, and with you, as we are now… being grounded –Inviting, welcoming, letting my heart burn… –Listening, giving support, asking questions, challenging, explaining… –Sharing bread with one another… –Returning stronger to our communities…
Faith and Light Int'l 2010 Formation Sessions 21 and ALL together, may have more life! may have more life! … so that EACH one,