Holy Communion BY : Karina / 5C
The Ceremony... The ceremony of Holy Communion is given to us by Christ Himself, so that we might remember and participate in His last supper with His disciples. He commands us to observe it. Do this "in remembrance of me," He says. (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24-35).
Food during the Holy Communion... The bread must be in loaves, so it can be broken in the normal manner. Bread that is already cut up will not do; each person's piece must be broken from a loaf, following the example of Jesus. The reason for this is that the breaking of the bread symbolizes the breaking of His body on the cross. Unleavened bread is not required, since Christians are not bound by Jewish dietary laws.
Drink during the Holy Communion... The drink specified is wine, not grape juice or some other substitute. If normal red wine is prohibited by law for some reason, non-alcoholic wine may be used. It is still called wine. Each part of the ceremony is led by a person who is designated "Leader" of that part. Everyone else who partakes of Holy Communion is called "the Assembly." The entire procedure, from the beginning of the meal to the benediction is part of the Holy Communion.
The Symbols of Holy Communion...
Wheat... The symbol of the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us through his broken body in death.
Chalice and Grapes... Symbols of the cup of forgiveness and the new covenant we have in his blood.
History... The biblical foundation for Holy Communion is what Christ Himself did at the Last Supper. As narrated by St. Matthew, Jesus first offered the apostles what He was about to change, then changed the bread and wine, and then gave them Communion.
Where... Holy Communion happens all around the world at the church and it is for the Christian people to do the Holy Communion we ate bread that symbolize the body of Jesus and we also drink wine that symbolize the blood of Jesus.
Who... The people who do the Holy Communion is the Christian people. The people who do the Holy Communion is the Christian people.
How... Christ’s blood and body are being broken to forgive every sin that we have. We have to focus our mind. Make sure that we are not thinking of anything else. Consider what it was like to be at the Last Supper and listen to the words spoken by Christ. Consider Holy Communion to be the cleansing of your heart and soul. It's a fresh start, a new beginning to take the time to evaluate what you will do to make this new stage of your life the most important.
CONTINUE... As Christ is forgiving us, give forgiveness to others. Free ourself from keeping score and holding anger inside. We will be happier and healthier for it. Give thanks to Christ as you celebrate Holy Communion. Use this opportunity to live your life in a state of thankfulness. Instead of worrying about what you want or what we don't have, concentrate on what we have been given and have a happy heart. This is a time for us to connect with Christ. Be humble and open and step closer to your walk in faith.
Why... We celebrate Holy Communion, so that we might remember and participate in his last supper.