Workshop on “Mobile Broadcast Service Standardization” Den Haag, The Netherlands, 23 May 2005 Report for 3GPP2 Martta Seppala
“Delegation” Standard bodies presented: 3GPP (SA4 and SA3), DVB CBMS, 3GPP2 TSG-X, OMA BAC BCAST and WorldDAB/T- DMB Company presentations from: Cingular Wireless, Ericsson, Nokia, Panasonic, Qualcomm, Samsung, Siemens, Sprint, Three and Vodafone Several other companies participating (c.a. 80 people from at least 47 different companies) Please find the WS agenda and presentations attached.
Conclusions Standards in the are of mobile broadcast should be harmonized A high-level gap analysis for features – adaptation specifications are needed The way forward?
Harmonization of standards Participants emphasized preventing fragmentation of standards –End to end interoperability must be guaranteed to the end user –Roaming has to be easily enabled Need for a single and simple solution on service and common transport layer was acknowledged –The majority of presentations concluded IP as a the ground for bearer agnostic work The requirement for validating the interoperability of each function against well-specified test cases was raised
GAP analysis for functions Provided by three different companies (see presentations by Sprint, Siemens and Nokia) There’s functions totally/slightly/not at all overlapping with OMA BCAST within every standard Adaptation specifications towards different broadcast distribution systems will be done by the OMA BCAST group with the help of the people following other groups –Calling together an official workshop with the requireded legal agreements would consume too much time from rapidly developing standard driven by industry needs
Areas in OMA scope only On service and transport layer, there are technical areas which are seen important to standardize, and for which OMA BCAST Requirements exist, but for which none of the three: 3GPP, 3GPP2 or DVB are working. For example bearer agnostic functions: interaction, service provisioning, terminal provisioning, content protection, notifications, etc. This may be because such area is out of scope of 3GPP, 3GPP2 and DVB Bearer agnostic areas are handled by OMA BCAST
“The gray area” On service and transport layer, there are technical areas for which one organization has already a stabile solution while others have not started are in the progress of defining the solution. –This is the place for the adaptation specification –OMA BCAST wants this work to be done in OMA and calls for opinions from the expert groups of the certain areas/broadcasting systems
The way forward? To avoid further fragmentation, any future service / transport layer work in 3GPP, 3GPP2, DVB (and possibly other fora) should be done in a co-ordinated fashion through OMA. Liaison statements tend to have long round-trip time and thus delay the well-progressing work. –More direct communication and participation to the specification work of the OMA BCAST enabler is encouraged Issue of how to move forward and continue the joint effort of keeping the standards harmonized should be discussed in each standard body involved