The Killer Whale By: Sabrina Giangarra
Scientific Name The scientific name for the killer whale is Orcinus Orca. Derived from the Latin word orcas-meaning “cask” or “barrel” referring to the animals broad rounded shape.
A killer whale is the largest member of what family? dolphin family The killer whale is actually the largest member of the dolphin family.
FOOD What do Killer whales like to feast on? Fish birds Squid Sea lions Seals Penguins
Where Are They? From the North Pole to the South Pole from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic, killer whales are found in all oceans of the world.
Size Male Average 23ft 7 to 10 tons FemaleAverage21ft 4 to 6 tons
Offspring Gestation period- 13 to 16 months Calf’s weight- approximately 400 lbs Calf’s length- approximately 7 ft
Shamu Shamu is on of the world’s most popular killer whales. Shamu is a resident of Florida’s famous Sea World. Click below to visit Shamu live and in person.
I would like to take this time to thank you for listening to my presentationonThe Killer Whale Killer Whale