By: Hamdi Ibrahim
Blue whales is largest creature in the world. They reach in an around 100 feet in length and weigh around 200 tons, their tongue alone weighs equivalent to an elephant. Blue whales body fat can help them survive the whole winter.
Whales don’t necessarily have lots of predators but many of them die due to shark and killer whale attacks. There’s also many more reasons as to why they die like: Pollution Getting caught in fishing materials Collision of boats Ice Hunting of whales for food resources Oil spills Habitat loss
Donate money to Sea Sheppard's and WDCS Recycle Reuse and Reduce Don’t spill oils down your drain When on a boat make sure that if you see a whale don’t get to close Educate others about the danger the whales are in Write to companies behind Japanese whaling Write a petition
The play a big role in nutrients cycle There poo makes organic carbon for many small organisms Whales make sure that certain species don’t over populate Their poo helps stimulate growth in phytoplankton Phytoplankton is a food source for many fish allowing them to grow so bigger fish can have food as well.