EPALE UK Digital Skills and Learning Conference With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union 30 November 2015 #epaleconf
Welcome Ashfa Slater EPALE UK Director
Other activities happening today Photos Live tweeting - #epaleconf Vine videos Opportunity to hear about EPALE
Opening Speech Neil Morris Director of Digital Learning University of Leeds
Panel discussion To answer questions in line with the theme: ‘Digital Learning – What works’?
Panel speakers
Deborah Millar
Q and A
EPALE presentation Elizabeth Kwaw Stakeholder Engagement Lead/ Senior Research Manager
Why EPALE? Adult learning is a key part of the European Commission’s lifelong learning policy. The Commission’s priority areas include: -“Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality and increasing access to education for all; -Improving the quality and efficiency of the adult learning system; -Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship through participation in social and cultural learning for personal development and fulfilment; -Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adults and their learning environments; and -Improving and monitoring the knowledge base”. ( EPALE is funded by the European Commission as part of its ongoing commitment to improving the quality of adult learning provision in Europe
What is EPALE? A free multilingual community of adult learning professionals An online resource of adult learning material An area to share and exchange best practice with other adult learning professionals and volunteers in Europe. A networking tool
journey/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy EPALE presentation
Lunch/ networking
Parallel workshop sessions Learners workshop Room: RISE-SHINE Staff pedagogy workshop Room: WIN ICT infrastructure workshop Room: BUILD
Feedback session Workshop 1: Colin Neilands Workshop 2: Fintan Donohue Workshop 3: Colin Gallacher Room: RISE-SHINE
Closing remarks
Any questions? W: ec.europa.eu/epale/en T: Adult Learning in the UK With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union