Assessing, Recording and Reporting Citizenship A Collaborative Approach
Definition An approach to assessment, recording and reporting that involves teachers, pupils and peers working collaboratively to, set targets for achievement assess performance collect evidence produce reports and set new targets.
Assessment of National Curriculum Subjects. Why? Measure attainment Inform planning for progression in teaching and learning Provide meaningful feedback to pupils Inform the process of reporting to parents Inform end of KS judgements
Assessment of National Curriculum Subjects. How? ‘Best fit’ judgements based on a synthesis of, Pupil performance in normal activities + Pupil performance in identified assessment opportunities within the subject curriculum + Summative assessments.
Assessment of National Curriculum Subjects. What? Coverage of all statutory aspects of the subject curriculum – knowledge and skills – across the Key Stage. Opportunity to re-visit to enable measurement of progress Variety
Assessment of Citizenship Similarities Coverage of all three strands Opportunities arise from curriculum Purpose – to measure progress, plan learning, report to parents. Composition of judgements Differences Subject taught according to school needs. May be taught by several different people. Who keeps records and writes reports?
A Collaborative Approach. Why? Active pupil participation in learning and reflection is an intrinsic part of Citizenship education. It is also a key feature of the Foundation strand of the KS3 Strategy Time – it can be legitimately built into Citizenship curriculum plans – process and reviews It utilises the Record of Achievement /Progress File model already established Meaningful for pupils and more manageable for teachers
Pre-requisites A Curriculum Plan for staff A Citizenship Plan for pupils Schemes of work with identified learning outcomes/targets Agreement as to units of work that will be used as assessed activities Pupils’ ability to assess themselves is developed progressively and is supported Ongoing opportunities for evidence gathering to supplement formal assessment.
What is involved? Planning Teachers – identify assessment opportunities in curriculum plans/schemes of work – lesson or group of lessons. Teachers – plan appropriate activities to achieve outcomes set against performance indicators. Teachers – share possible outcomes with pupils. Pupils – identify their targets from the range of possible outcomes identified by the teacher
What is involved? The Process Pupils – undertake task(s) and monitor their own progress against their own targets Teachers – support pupils and comment on progress. Amend targets if necessary. Teachers – provide positive feedback against targets and ongoing advice on improvement.
What is involved? Assessing the Outcomes. Assessment Teachers plan assessment and self-assessment framework Pupils assess their own performance Peer Group Assessment Pupils and teachers set new targets Teachers discuss outcomes and endorse judgements Teachers assess pupils’ work
Keeping and Using Records Teachers will keep own records Pupil self assessment record, endorsed by the teacher, placed in his/her portfolio. Pupils’ personal records also collected. Planned review of achievement with form/focus teacher e.g. end of half term, termly. Focus on evidence in portfolio.
Co-ordinating Record- Keeping Citizenship Co-ordinator Form / Focus Co-ordinators (e.g. Form tutors; PSHE/Citizenship teachers) Subject Teachers (delivering explicit areas of the curriculum)
Reporting to parents Teachers endorse or re-negotiate judgements Summative Citizenship report written by pupils and agreed by teacher. Reports may include teacher comment Subject teachers may wish to comment on subject reports
A Collaborative Approach to ARR Identify tasks for assessment Identify targets for achievement Reflect on performance; collect evidence Develop skills Individual (and Peer group) assessment of achievement Teacher endorsement Summative review with portfolio of evidence Report produced; new targets set