Group Work on Informal Economy Outputs Bala (Sri Lanka), Yadav (Nepal), Prem (Malaysia), Liz (Indonesia), Shweta (India), Gay (Philippines)
Needs of Informal Economy Workers Self Employed Workers Access to loans/credit (Subsidies in agriculture) Regular work/orders at fair piece rate Register it to the formal agency/government Easier access to social protection (healthcare, childcare) Specialized training in skills Legal protection Representation in the national economy Union and collective bargaining Cooperatives/SHGs
Needs of Informal Economy Workers Wage Workers Unions and collective bargaining Decent work (job security, income security, etc.,) Equal pay for equal work Rights at Work (occupational safety and health, maternity benefits) Registration under welfare boards (laws to protect them) Minimum wage coverage
Initiatives taken by Trade Unions Embroidery women workers (unionized) Male auto drivers’ association Organizing through the study circle Cooperative society Providing access to information and services for informal sector workers as entry point to organize them Participation in tripartite bodies to give voice to informal sector workers’ needs
Steps to take for trade unions Strengthening the capacities of the organizers (preferably women), so they could have a good hold of mobilizing and organizing women at the community level; Identify the needs and demand/issues of the home- based women workers; Create awareness on importance of having a union; To provide them basic services (civic amenities) like water, sanitation and other development work like providing health services, child care, etc.; and Represent home-based workers in tripartite bodies