Silver Arts Award Guide Use this PowerPoint to help you to complete your Silver Arts Award. The instructions in GREEN tell you what you need to do, these need to remain on your page. The instructions in RED tell you what evidence you need to include in your PowerPoint The instructions in BLUE are there as a guide to help you complete the task
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Title Page Name Here Waseley Hills High School Silver Arts Award
Contents Page Include the following titles in your contents page. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images: Unit 1: Arts Practise Part A – identify and agree an appropriate arts challenge Part B – prepare, agree, implement and review a plan of action to achieve an arts challenge Part C – review arts events Part D – learn about artists and arts organizations through visits and/or participation. Unit 2: Supervised Arts Leadership Part A – establish the project’s creative purpose Part B – plan practical issues Part C – effective arts leadership Part D – work effectively with others Part E – review outcomes in relation to stated aims
UNIT 1 Include the following title in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Title Page Unit 1: Arts Practise Part A – identify and agree an appropriate arts challenge Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
My Challenge What are your current Arts strengths/weaknesses? Say what your Arts challenge is (Discuss this with your named teacher) Why have you set this challenge? Ambitions in your arts work? Get more confident about working etc. What do you think I’ll need to do to achieve this challenge? Answer the following questions / points to help you to write about what your arts challenge is
Title Page Unit 1: Arts Practise Part B – prepare, agree, implement and review a plan of action to achieve an arts challenge Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
My Action Plan Include a summary of your project Create a timetable - how long will it take from start to finish and how often will you be working on it each week? Progress check – timed targets along the way to achieve challenge, notes from meetings with your teacher. Resources – what do you need to help you achieve your challenge? People? Places? Things? Equipment? Record your progress – say how you’ll do this – photos, video, audio, written reports etc. Reviewing your work – how will you do this? How will you collect feedback from other people? What went well/didn’t go well? Why? Things you would improve next time?
Evidence of my Arts Challenge Include written reports, diaries, photographs, scans of artwork, sound / video clips etc…
Report on my arts challenge Write a report on your project, this is like an evaluation, include in it: What went well/didn’t go so well? What have you learnt from this project? How have your arts skills developed? What would you do differently next time? What will happen next as a result of this project?
Sharing my work with others Include evidence of how you have shared your project with other people, this could include any of the following: Pictures of my work on exhibition A concert / public performance Put it on Face book – screenshot people’s comments etc – online exhibition Give a presentation to friends
A friend’s review of my work Ask a friend to write a review about your arts project. Place this review onto this page. This should include: What did they like about your work? What was their favourite / least favourite part of your work. How did your work make them feel? Any other comments they want to make…
Title Page Unit 1: Arts Practise Part C – review arts events Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Review of an Arts Event Include background information, programmes, leaflets, tickets, biographies, photos etc which you gatherd from the event. Also you will need to answer the following questions: Describe the arts event, where it was, when did you attended this, what was involved, what art form it was in, whether you have seen something like it before or not. Talk about your thoughts - What was good? Why? What wasn’t so good - Why? Would you recommend it to anyone else - Why? What have you learnt from it? Describe how you have shared your arts review with others– Face book – screenshot comments etc. You will also need to put evidence of this in here.
Review of a 2 nd Arts Event Include background information, programmes, leaflets, tickets, biographies, photos etc which you gatherd from the event. Also you will need to answer the following questions: Describe the arts event, where it was, when did you attended this, what was involved, what art form it was in, whether you have seen something like it before or not. Talk about your thoughts - What was good? Why? What wasn’t so good - Why? Would you recommend it to anyone else - Why? What have you learnt from it? Describe how you have shared your arts review with others– Face book – screenshot comments etc. You will also need to put evidence of this in here.
Title Page Unit 1: Arts Practise Part D – arts practise and pathways Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Art organizations in my local area Find out what arts organisations are local to you, then answer the following questions: You could visit them / them / write to them asking them questions about what they do, who works for them. Also ask about their career paths… Include evidence of working with them ( your arts teacher will help you with this…) Write about your career pathway – what do you need to do to get to where they are – training opportunities, college, University etc… Also research local arts jobs advertised and include web links or copies of these adverts in here!
Evaluation of what I’ve learnt from working with an Artist Who was the artist you worked with? What did he or she do? Write a questionnaire to give them to fill in, include this in here. What did they say about the difficulty of working within the arts community? What was their advice to you at the start of your arts career? Your arts teacher will arrange this for you
Evidence of working with your Artist Add pic’s / sound clips / videos of what you produced when you worked with your artist.
Record of my meetings with my Arts Award Adviser: Fill in the table below each time you have a meeting with your Adviser Date of meeting Main points of Discussion:What I need to do next before my next meeting: 12/11/12My Arts strengths / weaknesses & Ideas for my creative projectComplete title page, complete write up of my strengths / weaknesses
UNIT 2 Include the following title in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Title Page Unit 2: Supervised arts leadership Part A – establish the project’s creative purpose Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
My leadership project Answer the following questions below to help you to write a summary about your project! What is my Creative Arts Leadership Project? Why have I chosen to do this? Who will I be working with? When are where will this take place? Give background information. What is the end aim?
Title Page Unit 2: Supervised arts leadership Part B – plan practical issues Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
leadership project plan - What is my role? Who else is part of the team? What are their different roles and responsibilities? - Where will this happen? How frequently? - Insert a time plan of actions / events - How will I share skills with others? - How will I describe and promote the project? - What resources will I need? Where will I get them from? - Who will help me? When? In what way? - How will I know if the project has worked? - How will I collect feedback? - What could go wrong? - What is my backup plan? - What else do I need to find out about/do? - What do I need to know about Health and safety, safeguarding, what to do in emergency situations? Answer the following question to help you to write your project plan
Title Page Unit 2: Supervised arts leadership Part C – effective arts leadership Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Evidence from my leadership project Weekly diary – how things are going each week Photos of each stage – before/during/after Evidence of my planning Evidence of how you have addressed Health and safety issues Photos/ video clips etc… of students taking part / you leading your project Posters etc… to advertise the project Include the following into this section of your PowerPoint:
Title Page Unit 2: Supervised arts leadership Part D – work effectively with others Include the following titles in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Working with others Evidence of communication – s, posters, evidence of project plan in use,– Any other communications with advisors/teachers, peers, Photographs / video clip etc…which show you leading your project Include some of the following into this section of your PowerPoint:
Title Page Unit 2: Supervised arts leadership Part E – review outcomes in relation to stated aims Include the following title in this slide. Think about how you could present this page using different layouts and background images:
Feedback from others Questionnaires filled in by the people you led in your project. Statements from staff about my performance when leading others. Questionnaires from the audience if you hold a music / film performance or have an exhibition. Include the following into this section of your PowerPoint:
My arts leadership project review What happened on the project? What was produced? What was the end result? What did you enjoy the most? What did you find the most difficult/complicated? What was the feedback from the others involved? What did you think about their feedback? What have you learnt about leadership? What have you learnt about communication? What have you learnt about planning? What have you learnt about my art form? What would you do differently next time? How well did you co-operate with your peers and other people? Answer the following questions to help you to write your evaluation / review.