Content on Tour by Martin Kippenberger, 1992 LINDSEY SMITH
What stands out the most when you first see it? The colors and the array if the objects. The artwork is just a jumble and it’s hard to just pick out certain things to focus on. The colors are arranged in different colors in different places. The primary colors are arranged together and the cool colors are arranged with each other. The red and yellow colors and the faint lines makes certain things pop.
Explain the reason that you notice what you mentioned in number one. It is a major key concept in the whole painting. The artist made sure to use these color schemes in certain places to add emphasis so people will look or noticed it’s interesting qualities.
As you continue to look at the work, what else seems important? It's a jumble of random tangible things like magazines, fliers, and ect. The things don’t have any texture to them but the do have variety.
Why does what you mentioned in number three seem important? It could be representing how modern day society tries to influence us in our everyday lives and in the end it only overwhelms us. Through magazines and fliers and articles it could not be affecting us in a positive way but more so negative.
What is the most original or creative thing you see? The layout of the painting, everything is in a cyclone kind of shape in a first person point of view.
How would you guess the thing mentioned in number five happened or how would you explain it? Referring back to being overwhelmed, society is an influence in everyday activity. Companies only care about selling product making society a messy anarchy.
How does the composition make you feel? The color scheme is mostly primary which gives it an elementary type of feeling but the splashes of the other colors gives more emphasis. The colors aren’t very bright so it gives off a dull, sad feeling. With the different pieces in different are gives off a confusing feeling as well.
Why does the composition make you feel the way you mentioned in number seven? From the cool color scheme but the swirling pattern of the painting.
What seems to be hiding in the composition? Companies are ruining the true meaning of a social market and replacing it with a disarray of disorderly advertising.
Why do you think this element was partially hidden? They have a big influence in society and it could hurt him if he attacked them. This would not only give a negative affect to the companies but to the public.
What titles could you give this artwork? Societal Disorder or Media Imbroglio because it has a deeper meaning than a jumble of items. These titles show the hidden sophistication of the art work with the color schemes and rythmn.
What feelings and meanings do you think this artwork represents? Hurt, Distrusting, Disappointed, Hopeful. From the colors chosen and the rhythm of the painting, it does have a jumble of different elements but it has a graceful tone to it.
What other things interest you about this artwork? The color scheme and the point it tries to prove which is society can be stressful and overwhelming.