Norman Rockwell He told stories about everyday life with his paintings and illustrations. Main idea???
Things to keep in mind…. What is the painting about? Main idea? Details? Mood? How does it make you feel?
Titles Artists normally give their artwork a title. It is usually the main idea. Try to determine the main idea. Look for supporting details. See if your idea matches the title.
Ghostly Gourds by Norman RockwellNorman Rockwell Good Title?
The Problem we all Live With
Walking to Church
Time to work in groups. Groups members look at the artwork. Discuss what you think the painting is about. What are the supporting details? Come up with a name you think fits the painting. Would your group be able to write a paragraph telling the main idea with supporting details from the picture?
Your turn- this will be on class page Secret main idea clue. You will draw a picture to represent your clue. Tomorrow we will share and others will try to determine your main idea. Things I will look for- Does painting show everyday situation? Did you use enough details to help peers figure out your main idea? Did they figure it out? Did you participate and try to figure out the main idea in other pictures?