Multicultural and International Books -chapter 15: Children’s Literature, Briefly-
Multicultural Books: Xenophobia- the mistrust or fear of people who are strangers. -parents and society may purposely or inadvertently program children to mistrust, fear, or even hate certain groups of people who are unlike them. -We, as teachers, need to teach about the differences & similarities between people. *Children of minority cultures need books that reflect pride in their heritage. *All children need books that sensitize them to people from cultural groups different than their own.
Judging Multicultural Literature Cultural Authenticity: those from within the culture feel that a book has accurately and honestly reflected their experiences and viewpoints. Types of multicultural books: folktales, biographies, historical novels… -general categories of books about people of color: neutral: characters from cultural minorites but about other topics generic: characters representing a cultural group but few developing details specific: specific cultural details that help define characters, themes evident, artwork expresses many of the cultural details, authentic
International Books These books can help children gain an appreciation and understanding of gloabal societies. Most common: English-language titles written and published in other English- speaking countries such as United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Others: translated books are less plentiful but growing. They are written in different countries and translated for publication in English. *consider the quality of the translation -must maintain the flavor of the country but be readable and fluent. Also, not too Americanized!