Our JES and Network Setup Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming 55 minutes Virtual Storage & Address Space Concepts 45 minutes Working with System Data Sets 45 minutes Working with System Parameter Lists 45 minutes Initializing the z/OS System PowerPoint Our z/OS System Setup 40 minutes Configuring JES2 70 minutes Issuing VTAM and TCP/IP Commands Graphic: Insert your organization’s name in the above slide. Audio: will need to cover the following: Welcome to “Our JES and Network Setup.” My name is _____. I work in the ___ department and have worked as a Systems Programmer in our organization for ___ years (This should be expanded so the learner is confident that you have the right credentials to create this presentation.). This presentation follows on from the second group of three modules of the Datatrain “Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming” course. We will expand on some of the information in these modules, and relate it to our site. We will also take a look at the JES and Network setup that we have. If you have any questions about the course, or this presentation, send it to _______ so that it can be covered in the Webinar discussion at the end of this learning pathway. Our JES and Network Setup PowerPoint Our JES and Network Setup Company Name Webinar Understanding Systems Programming Procedures and Roles Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Presentation Topics Our z/OS Systems Our SNA Network Our TCP/IP Network Audio: will need to cover the following: This session will provide you with details of our system and network configurations. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our z/OS systems – a recap z/OS 1.11 – SYSA (Production) z/OS 1.11 – SYSB (Production) z/Linux – LNX1 z/Linux – LNX2 z/VM – VM01 z/VM – VM01 LP1101 LP1201 z/OS1.12 – SYSD (Development) z/OS1.12 – SYSS (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of your systems. This is a duplicate of the slide from the “Our z/OS Systems Setup” presentation. Audio: will need to cover the following: Recap your z/OS setup information. Include brief descriptions of: Physical Processor Logical Partition setup. If z/VM is used. Other non-z/OS systems on the processors. Each z/OS system: z/OS release, what it is used for, production/development/test. Example: In our last presentation, we saw that our organization has four z/OS images running in two z196 processors. SYSA and SYSB are our production regions: SYSA runs most of the IMS, SYSB the CICS and CA-Datacom. These regions run under z/VM. SYSD is the development z/OS system, and SYSS is for Systems Programmer testing. SYSS is only IPLed when we need it. We also have two z/Linux partitions running under z/VM. LP1102 LP1202 CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Command Recognition Character: $ Our JES systems – JES2 MAS Spool JESPxx SYS1.HASPACE z/OS 1.11 – SYSA (Production) Node: JESSYSA z/OS 1.11 – SYSB (Production) Node: JESSYSB Checkpoint JESC00 z/OS1.12 – SYSD (Development) Spool JESDxx Spool JESSxx z/OS1.12 – SYSS (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of your JES systems. Don’t forget to update the title to JES3 if you use JES3. Audio: will need to cover the following: Talk about your JES systems. Include brief descriptions of: JES2 or JES3 Is Spool shared or unique. Volume serial numbers of JES2 Spool Where checkpoint datasets reside. If on disk, what volumes. Is it duplex, dual or single? Command character for JES commands. JES Node names. Example: We use JES2 in our site. Our productions systems share a JES MAS spool on packs JESPxx. We use duplex checkpointing on these production systems: the primary checkpointing is on the Coupling Facility, the secondary on the JESC00 device. All Spool datasets are called SYS1.HASPACE. Our production JES node names are JESSYSA for SYSA, and JESSYSB for SYSB. Our development and Systems Programmer systems have their own dedicated JES spool. On all systems, the command recognition character is the dollar character. So all JES commands entered at the console start with a dollar sign. You can see an example command to display the JES spool on the screen. All systems are connected by JES NJE connections. Command Recognition Character: $ For example: $DSPL CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our JES systems - spool $d spl $HASP893 VOLUME(JESP00) STATUS=ACTIVE,PERCENT=84 $HASP893 VOLUME(JESP01) STATUS=ACTIVE,PERCENT=92 $HASP646 88.1904 PERCENT SPOOL UTILIZATION $d ckptdef $HASP829 CKPTDEF CKPT1=(STRNAME=J2WRKCKPT1,INUSE=YES,VOLATILE=NO), $HASP829 CKPT2=(DSNAME=SYS1.JESCKPT2,VOLSER=JESC00, $HASP829 INUSE=YES,VOLATILE=NO), $HASP829 NEWCKPT1=(DSNAME=SYS2.JESCKPT1,VOLSER=DATA2), $HASP829 NEWCKPT2=(DSNAME=SYS2.JESCKPT2,VOLSER=DATA2), $HASP829 MODE=DUPLEX,DUPLEX=ON,LOGSIZE=4, $HASP829 VERSIONS=(STATUS=INACTIVE,NUMBER=2,WARN=80, $HASP829 MAXFAIL=0,NUMFAIL=0,VERSFREE=2,MAXUSED=0), $HASP829 RECONFIG=NO,VOLATILE=(ONECKPT=WTOR, $HASP829 ALLCKPT=WTOR),OPVERIFY=YES IEE612I CN=01 DEVNUM=160 SYS=PROD CMDSYS=PROD IEE163I MODE=RD Graphics: Update the picture with a the output of the $dspl and $dckptdef commands from your JES systems. Don’t forget to update the commands for JES3 if you use JES3. Audio: will need to cover the following: Briefly explain what the students are seeing. Example: You can see here the output of the JES commands for displaying the Spool and Checkpoint datasets. You can see our two Spool volumes are 88% used. You can also see our dual checkpointing: primary on the coupling facility (in the structure J2WRKCKPT1), and the secondary on JESC00. Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our Network setup Company B z/OS 1.11 – SYSA z/OS 1.11 – SYSB 3745 SNI z/OS 1.11 – SYSA (Production) z/OS 1.11 – SYSB (Production) 3745 Branches z/OS1.12 – SYSD (Development) z/OS1.12 – SYSS (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of your SNA network. If you have no SNA network, you can omit this panel. Audio: will need to cover the following: Talk about your SNA network. Include brief descriptions of: Applications still using SNA. If still using 3745/3746 Communications Controllers. If so, migration plans. Any other SNA: for example: APPN, SNA over TCP/IP. Example: Our Widget application on SYSA still uses SNA to connect to legacy equipment in our branch offices. This is due to be replaced by our advanced Widget application in two years. We also have a legacy SNI communications link to Company B that is used by our widget application on SYSA, and our Blinket application on SYSB. We hope to decommission our 3745 in two years. CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our Network setup – TCP/IP connections Coupling Facility Hipersockets SYSA: (Production) SYSB: (Production) Hipersockets OSA 1 Production VIPA Address: OSA SYSD: (Development) SYSS: (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of your TCP/IP network. Audio: will need to cover the following: Talk about your TCP/IP network. Include brief descriptions of: Connections used: Coupling Facility Hipersockets BladeCenter Extension connection OSA cards Channel attached routers etc. TCP/IP Addresses used. VIPA and TCP/IP Redirection used. Example: SYSA and SYSB have a fast TCP/IP connection using our Coupling Facility. SYSA and SYSD use a Hipersockets connection, as does SYSB and SYSD. All TCP/IP connections to systems outside of our mainframes are via our OSA cards: one per Processor. The screen shows the basic TCP/IP address for each system. SYSA and SYSB also have a VIPA address to allow redundancy and workload sharing. Company TCP/IP Network CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Our Network setup – TCP/IP users TN3270 Telnet FTP SMB HTTP Server Websphere AS CICS IMS Connect SYSA: (Production) SYSB: (Production) SYSD: (Development) SYSS: (Systems Programmer) Graphics: Update the picture with a diagram of the users of TCP/IP in your systems. Audio: will need to cover the following: Talk about what applications use TCP/IP to connect to the mainframe. Consider: TN3270 and Telnet File Transfer: FTP, Connect:Direct. File Sharing: NFS, DFS, SMB Printing CICS Web Services and CICS Transaction Gateway IMS Connect Websphere Application Server HTTP Server Websphere MQ Example: We have the standard TCP/IP setup for TN3270 and Telnet access to our system. We use FTP for file transfer and SMB access for Windows. We have some web pages hosted on SYSA using HTTP Server, and WebSphere AS runs on all productions systems. We have just started to use CICS Web Services to Web-enable our CICS regions. The IMS Widget application on SYSA can also received TCP/IP requests via IMS Connect. CEC1 CEC2 Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence
Summary Our z/OS Systems Our SNA Network Our TCP/IP Network Introduction to z/OS Systems Programming 55 minutes Virtual Storage & Address Space Concepts Summary 45 minutes Working with System Data Sets Our z/OS Systems Our SNA Network Our TCP/IP Network 45 minutes Working with System Parameter Lists 45 minutes Initializing the z/OS System PowerPoint Our z/OS System Setup 40 minutes Configuring JES2 70 minutes Issuing VTAM and TCP/IP Commands Audio: will need to cover the following: This presentation has covered our JES setup and our mainframe networks. As you can see by the learning path graphic shown here, your next step in the training is our Webinar where we will talk about the Systems Programming group, and some of the standards and procedures that we follow. Thank you for attending. PowerPoint Our JES and Network Setup Webinar Understanding Systems Programming Procedures and Roles Copyright © Interskill Learning Pty Ltd 2011 – Commercial in Confidence