Ulcers When the protective mucous lining of the stomach breaks down, cell membrane is exposed to HCl and pepsin Destruction of cell membrane leads to peptic ulcer Under this layer of cells is a capillary network Acids irritate the cells of stomach lining increase in blood flow and acid secretions More BF and AS, more tissue is burned, reaction gets stronger Most ulcers linked to bacterium Heliobacter pylori Diet, stress, and other factors may still play a role
Irritable Bowel Diseases Irritable bowel syndrome Cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea Does not permanently harm intestines or cause cancer Ulcerative colitis Causes inflammation and ulcers in the top layer of the lining of the large intestine
Crohn’s disease Most common sites of inflammation are the ileum (lower part of small intestine) and colon (large intestine) This swelling causes pain and makes the intestines empty frequently Inflammation may occur at all layers of intestine Normal, healthy bowel may be found between sections of diseased bowel
Gall stones When cholesterol crystals precipitate to form larger crystals Gall stones can block the bile duct, impairing fat digestion and causing considerable pain Feces changes to a grey-white colour
Liver disease Liver disease affects 1/10 Canadians The first Canadian liver transplant took place in 1970 No absolute cure for liver disease It’s the only transplanted organ that can regenerate itself, thus making it possible for one person to donate part of their liver to another person Jaundice When skin and other tissues turn yellow Characteristic of liver disease
Cirrhosis Harmful chemicals, like alcohol, are made soluble to be dissolved in blood and eliminated in urine Alcohol is broken down to usable materials and wastes Alcohol will destroy liver tissue in large quantities Damaged liver cells are replaced by non-functioning connective tissue and fat can’t carry out regular liver duties It can also result from nutritional deprivation or infection