Can you Americans just leave me alone and let me retire?!? “and with my mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, set out for New York… with the best disposition to render service to my country in obedience to its call, but with less hope of answering its expectations.”
George Washington John Adams Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin
What do we call him? – Excellency, His Most Benign Highness, His Highness, Protector of the Rights of the Same Establish the Judicial Branch: Judiciary Act of 1789 – Set up a Supreme Court consisting of a Chief Justice and 5 associate justices – Set up 3 federal circuit courts 13 federal district courts – Allowed state court decisions to be appealed to a federal court Executive Branch: – Department of State deal with foreign affairs – Department of War to deal with military matters – Department of Treasury to manage finances – Vice President and Attorney General fill out the rest. This is known as the President’s cabinet. Other Quick Facts – Two Terms: two four year terms that sets the precedent – There were 13 stars on the United States flag when Washington became President in – Five states were added to the Union during Washington's presidency - North Carolina (1789), Rhode Island (1790), Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792), and Tennessee (1796).
Democratic-Republicans vs. Federalists
Sharing power with state and local governments Fear of absolute power or ruler Limited national government Democracy of virtuous farmers and trades-people Strict interpretation of the Constitution National bank unconstitutional (strict interpretation) Economy based on farming Payment of only the national debt Supporters: the “plain people” (farmers, trades-people) I love me some Tommy J. He likes to take rides in my floatin chair! I support the simple men of America!
Concentrating power in the federal government Fear of mob rule Strong national government Republic of a wise elite Loose interpretation of the Constitution National bank constitutional (loose interpretation) Economy based shipping and manufacturing Payment of national and state debts Supporters: merchants, manufacturers, landowners, investors, lawyers, clergy I HATE U GUYS!!! America needs a strong national government with strong leaders not a weak girly man central government!!! Naturally, nerds are the only ones smart enough to rule!!!
I pity the fool that don’t learn about Tommy J. and Alex H. Now watch how Alex H. got to take a dirt nap.