By: Callie Wickkiser 7A April 29, 2011
Acrostic By: Callie Wickkiser S ummers right around the corner P repearing for the warm wheather R elaxin’ in the breeze I n the sun N ever ending joy G ettin’ ready for more fun
Limerick There once was a girl from Asia. There once was a woman named Daja. There once was a girl from Spain. There once was a woman named Jane. By: Callie Wickkiser Daja Jane
Diamonte Sky Blue, Cloudy Teal, Puffy, White Moving, Puffy, Gray-white, Clouds Windy By: Callie Wickkiser
Cinquain Nature Wonderful, beauty Growing and occurring Always changing and switching seasons Beautiful, Great Natural By: Callie Wickkiser
Haiku Flowers Moving in the wind. Outside dancing in the warm breeze. Getting larger everday.
Fire and Ice By: Robert Frost Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say thay for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
The poem Fire and Ice by, Robert Frost Appeals to me because, I have read a lot of Robert Frost poems and I knew I would like this one too. Also, I like this poem because, it is very descriptive and you can tell that Robert Frost has a lot imagination. As well as, he has the ability to take you to another place when you are reading his poems. This poem makes me feel very anxious because, I want to know what is going to happen next. And everybody has their own oppion. How I feel about this poem…..
A Patch Of Old Snow By: Robert Frost There's a patch of old snow in a corner That I should have guessed Was a blow-away paper the rain Had brought to rest. It is speckled with grime as if Small print overspread it, The news of a day I've forgotten-- If I ever read it.
The poem A Patch Of Old Snow by Robert Frost is very interesting, poem and you just want to keep reading, or at least I do. I like Robert Frost’s style of writing, like in this poem he thought the old patch of snow was an old newspaper. But, it wasn’t. He always keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. While I was reading this poem it made me feel very anxious. It made me feel this way because, I wanted to keep reading to see what was going to happen next. How I feel about this poem….
A Peck Of Gold By: Robert Frost Dust always blowing about the town, Except when sea-fog laid it down, And I was one of the children told Some of the blowing dust was gold. All the dust the wind blew high Appeared like gold in the sunset sky, But I was one of the children told Some of the dust was really gold. Such was life in the Golden Gate: Gold dusted all we drank and ate, And I was one of the children told, 'We all must eat our peck of gold'
How I feel about this poem….. What I like about this poem is that Robert Frost is talking about that the peck of gold is the food we eat and the money we spend. What I like as well is that Robert Frost, in the poem is pretending to be one of the children that is told,“We all must eat our peck of gold.” Also, Robert as a young child in the poem is starting to understand why he was told that. When I read this poem I feel very interested because, Robert Frost is pretending to be a kid.
The Lockless Door By: Robert Frost It went many years, But at last came a knock, And I thought of the door With no lock to lock. I blew out the light, I tip-toed the floor, And raised both hands In prayer to the door. But the knock came again My window was wide; I climbed on the sill And descended outside. Back over the sill I bade a "Come in" To whoever the knock At the door may have been. So at a knock I emptied my cage To hide in the world And alter with age.
How I feel about this poem…. The poem The Lockless Door by Robert Frost is very interesting because, it is very descriptive. It also, has lots of details. What I think the poem means is that Robert Frost thinks the lockless door has no lock which it doesn’t. So he letting people come in. So I think it means he’s letting new people into his life.
Fireflies In The Garden By: Robert Frost Here come real stars to fill the upper skies, And here on earth come emulating flies, That though they never equal stars in size, (And they were never really stars at heart) Achieve at times a very star-like start. Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
How I feel about this poem….. This poem realling means a lot to me because, I love to catch fireflies. Me and family always do. I remember when I was little that I use to pretend they were stars. When I didn’t catch one I keep trying. That’s what5 I think Robert Frost was trying to say in this poem.