Back to School! Creative Writing Exercises © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education |
An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter in each line spells out a word or phrase. © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education | Creative Writing Activity 1
Here’s an example of an acrostic poem for the name ‘ Sarah ’: S A R A H is for Studious – a hardworking girl is for Ambitious – full of drive is for Red – my favourite colour is for Apples – my favourite fruit is for Homely – that’s where I like to be © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education |
Write an acrostic poem with the letters of your name. Tell us more about yourself through your poem! Let’s brainstorm for a list of adjectives that you can use.
Adjectives affectionate © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education | brave caring charming compassionate considerate diligent enthusiastic fearless generous humourous intelligentoptimistic sensitive wise thoughtful
Can you think of more? © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education |
Look around the room that you’re in right now. Pick an object or a person. Describe that object or person as vividly as you can, without mentioning the object or person’s name. Get a friend to guess what or who you were writing about! © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education | Creative Writing Activity 2
Fractured fairy tales are fairy tales with a twist of characters, setting, point of view or plot. Watch this video of “The Three Little Pigs”The Three Little Pigs and answer the questions in your worksheets. © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education | Creative Writing Activity 3
Check your answers! 1.What did the first little pig build his house with? Ans : She built his house with a deck of cards. 2.What did the second little pig build his house with? Ans : He built his house with cotton candy. 3.Why did the wolf want to enter the pigs’ houses? Ans : The wolf needed a house to stay. 4.What happened in the end? Ans : The three little pigs and the wolf became neighbours.
Write a fractured fairy tale of “The Three Little Pigs” Use the guiding questions in the worksheet to help you. Be creative and have fun! © 2015 Big IdeaZ Education |