Why no Levels? In the New National Curriculum was launched Levels and sub-levels ceased to exist for Years 1, 3, 4 & 5 Schools were asked to find their own way of assessing against the NC Programmes of Study (POS) for each year group In , Years 2 & 6 joined the other year groups
How does it work? = 0 point, all pupils start on RED at the start of each year = 1 points, pupils should progress to ORANGE by the end of Term 2 = 2 points, pupils should progress to YELLOW by the end of Term 4 = 3 points, pupils should progress to GREEN by the end of Term 6 (EXPECTED STANDARD) against the year group Programme of Study = 4 points, a more able pupil could progress to BLUE by the end of Term 4 or by the end of the school year depending on ability = 5 points, an extremely able pupil could progress to INDIGO by the end of Term 5 or by the end of the school year depending on ability = 6 points, an exceptionally able pupil could progress to VIOLET by the end of Term 6/end of the school year depending on ability
How are pupils assessed at the end of a school year? A pupil is assessed against their year group’s Programme of Study (POS) The teacher uses information gathered from a variety of sources (though testing, judging the quality of work in books, verbal interaction during lessons…) A pupil progresses though the RAINBOW colours during the year but can only be assessed against their year group’s Programme of Study as overall…… Emerging High Emerging Expected High Expected Exceeding High Exceeding …… at the end of a school year when they have completed all 6 Terms
RAINBOW TRACKER Progress Chart Rainbow Tracker © Below PoSEmerging High Emerging ExpectedHigh ExpectedExceedingHigh Exceeding Start of Year End of Term 1 End of Term 2 End of Term 3 End of Term 4 End of Term 5 End of Term 6 Below PoS Emerging High Emerging Expected High Expected Exceeding High Exceeding
How are pupils’ involved? Teacher/pupil target setting and next steps needed to achieve the next colour The RAINBOW colour they are working on is put behind the front cover of their book above their target/next step Their colour remains in place until there is enough evidence to change it (this may take longer than a term) Feedback through a lesson or during marking Working closely with their Learning Coach
How can parents get involved? Talk to their child about their work in class Ask them about what their targets are Continue to read with them on daily basis Attend Parents/Carers consultation evenings Attend other Parental Workshops Read ‘End of year expectations’ document and ask your child what they can do
How do we report to parents? Information on our website Displays around the school Discussion during Parent/Carers Evenings using RAINBOW TRACKER Progress Chart End of year RAINBOW TRACKER pupil assessment Termly Achievement Cards
Termly Achievement Card
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