Some initial numbers 1,136 finding aids 108 repositories 30KB5,292 KB12,0333KB File Sizes Mean: KB, Median: 50 KB, Mode: 11 KB
ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample eadid1, % filedesc1, % profiledesc1, % revisiondesc %
ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample editionstmt45 4.0% notestmt % publicationstmt1, % seriesstmt110.1% Titlestmt1, %
ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample Creation1, % Descrules % Langusage1, % ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample Change % List7, %
ElementNumber in Sample % in Sample titlepage % div62.2% empty145.0% (n=279)
Values valueNumber in Sample % in Sample collection1, % fonds554.8% class30.3% recordgrp161.4% series70.6% subfonds30.3% subgrp111.0% subseries00.0% File40.4% item10.1% otherlevel10.1% Total1,136
Elements within the / ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample abstract1, % container1040.4% langmaterial1,0421, % materialspec18 1.6% origination1,2161, % physdesc1,1761, % physloc % repository1,1411, % unitdate1,6511, % unitid1,1511, % unittitle1,5821, %
Other elements within the ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample accessrestrict % accruals81 7.1% acqinfo % altformavail % appraisal % custodhist % originalsloc39 3.4% otherfindaid % phystech48 4.2% prefercite % processinfo % userestrict %
Other elements within the ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample arrangement % bibliography % bioghist1, % controlaccess3, % fileplan770.6% index % odd % relatedmaterial % scopecontent1,1111, % separatedmaterial %
ElementNumber in Sample % in Sample One 1, % Multiple s272.4% No s837.3% (n=1,136)
@type valuesNumber in Sample % in Sample Total s1, % (n=1,136) no type attribute908.1% (n=1,105) analyticover565.1% (n=1,105) combined % (n=1,105) in-depth % (n=1,105) othertype393.5% (n=1,105)
- (n=1,053) ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample c113, % c0131, % c02189, % c03239, % c04104, % c0531, % c0610, % c073, % c081, % c % c % c011 = 0c012 = 0
Values within valueNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample collection % fonds1270.7% class1, % recordgrp3170.7% series8, % subfonds % subgrp % subseries14, % file357, % item130, % otherlevel25, %
Elements within the - / (n=1,053) ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample abstract7, % container704, % langmaterial10, % materialspec8, % origination20, % physdesc124, % physloc11, % repository2, % unitdate470, % unitid233, % unittitle697,2461, %
Other elements within the - (n=1,053) *Note: in the presentation at SAA the number for prefercite was erroneously reported as the archdesc-level value. ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample accessrestrict6, % accruals000.0% acqinfo3, % altformavail5, % appraisal4370.7% custodhist5, % originalsloc % otherfindaid % phystech % prefercite *210.1% processinfo % userestrict %
Other elements within the - (n=1,053) ElementNumber in Sample Unique finding aids % in Sample arrangement2, % bibliography1, % bioghist1, % controlaccess58, % fileplan000.6% index2, % odd16, % relatedmaterial1, % scopecontent110, % separatedmaterial000.0%
Content tags in (n=1,053) ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample corpname11, % famname % function000.0% genreform28, % name23, % occupation % persname66, % subject28, %
Digital Archival Objects ElementNumber in Sample Number in unique finding aid % in Sample dao24, % daodesc2, % daogrp5, % daoloc12, %
Date attributes AttributesNumber in Sample calendar193,658 certainty5,101 datechar4,229 era193,669 type111,125 type=“inclusive”110,744 type=“bulk”381
value StandardNumber in sample % of relatedencoding1,662 MARC1, % Dublin Core % ISAD(G)v2191.2% MidosaXML30.2% Number Number in Sample % with relatedencoding in sample (n=1,136) one %19.5% two %50.1% three9410.6%8.3%