STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Individually, brainstorm a definition Awareness of one’s self and one’s environment
TYPES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Types of Consciousness External Sensory Perception Internal Sensory Perception Abstract Awareness Awareness of Self
External Sensory Perception Awareness of the impact of the environment on the five senses Sights Sounds Tastes Smells Touch
Internal Sensory Perception Internally experience sensory information from remembered event Create sensory representation of an event never experienced
Abstract Awareness Symbols used to represent big ideas Thoughts and emotions defined as sensory images
Awareness of Self Unique, separate individual Have and observe experiences, thoughts and feelings Cogito, Ergo Sum
Levels of Consciousness Subconscious: thoughts, emotions, behaviors available but not in present awareness Unconscious desires, conflicts, memories difficult to resolve; resources, motives, drives
Altered States of Consciousness Hypnosis
HYPNOSIS Brainstorm 5 Qualities Heightened Suggestibility (not contrary to basic morals) Dissociation: separation from external sensations Vivid Imagery: ignore what is present, imagine objects, ammonia as perfume Enhanced Memory: what is not available to person in wakened state can be recovered Post-Hypnotic Suggestion: quit smoking, manage pain, eat better; fades over time, requires renewal