Welcome to Sophomore Student and Parent Night!! Successful Transitions What Do You Need to Know?
Goals for Tonight Overview of our upcoming career unit Overview of our upcoming career unit Five or Six Gateways Five or Six Gateways Interest Inventories Interest Inventories Why are we having this conversation now? Why are we having this conversation now?
Your mission… Parents in this room Parents in this room Students in Cafeteria Students in Cafeteria Please have a conversation and list the knowledge, skills and abilities students will need to have to be successful in the “real world” workforce. Please have a conversation and list the knowledge, skills and abilities students will need to have to be successful in the “real world” workforce.
Expectations of the Student Group (discussion based on notes)
Expectations from the Parent Group (discussion based on notes)
Similar expectations… Teamwork Teamwork Communication Communication Oral Oral Written Written Collaboration Collaboration Creativity Information Technology Critical Problem Solving
Did You Know...
The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have jobs...
By the age of 38.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor...
1 out of 4 workers today is working for a company they have been employed by for less than one year.
More than 1 out of 2 are working for a company they have worked for less than five years.
According to former Secretary of Education Richard Riley...
The top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004.
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist...
Using technologies that haven’t been invented...
In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
So What’s the Point? While the job market is ever changing, the skills necessary to be competitive and successful in the work place will remain the same. While the job market is ever changing, the skills necessary to be competitive and successful in the work place will remain the same.
Necessary Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Oral Communications Oral Communications Written Communications Written Communications Teamwork/Collaboration Teamwork/Collaboration Diversity Diversity Information Technology Application Information Technology Application Leadership Leadership
Necessary Skills Creativity/Innovation Creativity/Innovation Lifelong Learning/Self Direction Lifelong Learning/Self Direction Professionalism/Work Ethic Professionalism/Work Ethic Ethics/Social Responsibility Ethics/Social Responsibility Taken from “Are They Really Ready to Work?” (The Conference Board, Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, Corporate Voices for Working Families, Society for Human Resource Management) CR 2006