RESUME WRITING Creating An Effective Resume
WHAT IS A RESUME? One page summary of your skills, education, and experience. Advertisement for yourself Be creative with the formats Be sure to proofread for spelling and grammatical errors
HOW LONG DO EMPLOYERS TYPICALLY LOOK AT A RESUME? A.30 seconds B.3 minutes C.1 minute Employers often receive hundreds of resumes for a single position. They do not have the time to pour every word on each one. This increases the importance of making it eye-catching and cleaning up the smallest details. A. 30 seconds
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON A RESUME? Necessary elements: Heading Essential personal information Formal name (not nickname) Complete address Best phone number to reach you address if you have one Objective A one sentence explanation of the type of job you are seeking. Try to make it specific to the job for which you are applying If you are unsure about the specific job, then list your career goals
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON A RESUME? Education Do not include information about Jr. High or Middle School. Specify dates of attendance and/or graduation (expected graduation date) If your education is relevant to the job, then include the courses/training which apply to it
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON A RESUME? Experience Include present and previous employers List in reverse chronological order starting with most recent first and then going backwards Include descriptions of what your job duties were for each position Be sure to use action verbs (See handout)
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON A RESUME? Activities Employers like to see people who are involved with their schools or communities Include years you participated Skills Be sure to include special skills or talents relevant to the job Type 60 wpm Fluent in French etc
HOW DO I SET UP A RESUME? Divide into distinct sections Stand out as boldface, larger text Employers have certain headings that interest them Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for
HOW DO I SET UP A RESUME? Arrangement Chronological Format Ideal for most young people Follows work history backwards from current job List employers, dates, and job responsibilities Use if you are new to the workforce and have limited experience Functional Format Created without employment dates or company names Concentrates on skills and responsibilities Highlights accomplishments Used after you have developed your career skills
HOW DO I SET UP A RESUME? Arrangement Most high school and college students include the Education section directly after the objective If you have experience that relates directly to the job, you should place Experience section above Education Sentences or Phrases Use action phrases instead of complete sentences Leave out unnecessary words Try to match skills and experience with the employer’s needs
DOES THE LOOK OF A RESUME MATTER? Absolutely! Use white or off-white professional weight paper Use black ink Avoid using colored paper or fancy graphics Unless applying for career where graphics might set you apart Art Graphic Design Advertising Etc. Use a quality laser printer
RESUME TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS 1.Make it a concise, factual, and positive listing of your education, employment history, and accomplishments 2.Perfect! Proofread!!!!! Proofread!!!!! Proofread!!!!!! It only takes one mistake, spelling/grammatical error Ask others to proofread for you 3.Limit to one page One inch margins around the page Leave blank lines between sections Use 10 pt font size Avoid underlining
RESUME TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS 4.Lack of work experience Emphasize accomplishments in and out of the classroom Discuss volunteer activities, hobbies, sports, honor roll, and student organizations that help define who you are List only recent honors and awards 5.Objective Present in a manner that relates both to the company and the job description 6.Honest Tell the truth on your resume No little “white lies” Employers will pick up on it during the interview
RESUME TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS 7.Choose your words carefully Sound positive and confident - Not aggressive or overly confident Avoid using the word “I” Begin descriptions with a verb 8.Sell Yourself! This is your first impression Be sure to emphasize skills and abilities appropriate to the position Make sure you stand out from everyone else