Human Workplace Roadmap Your Human-Voiced Resume™ Copyright Human Workplace 2015
Click on the links on each page to view the article or eBook. This Roadmap presentation will introduce you to the Human-Voiced Resume™ approach. Click on the links on each page to view the article or eBook. Copyright Human Workplace 2015
What is a Human-Voiced Resume™? A Human-Voiced Resume™ is a resume that reads like a person is talking to you. Your Human-Voiced Resume™ will convey much more of your spark and personality than a traditional ‘corporate speak’ resume will. Read the story Put a Human Voice in Your Resume™ to learn how a more conversational resume can help a job-seeker. Copyright Human Workplace 2015
Copyright Human Workplace 2015 What’s the difference between a traditional resume and a Human-Voiced Resume™? Read the eBook “Put a Human Voice in Your Resume (Before and After Examples”) to see Jane Banks’ BEFORE (traditional) resume and her AFTER (Human-Voiced) Resume! Copyright Human Workplace 2015
Your Human-Voiced Resume™ Summary Your Summary at the top of your Human-Voiced Resume™ creates a frame, or mental model, that will help your hiring manager (possible next boss) see you the way you want him or her to do. Your Summary is the most important branding element in your Human-Voiced Resume™. Read the story Brand Yourself in Your Human-Voiced Resume Summary! Copyright Human Workplace 2015