Biogeochemical Cycles Biomes Succession Natural Selection Terrestrial Ecology Part Two
Biogeochemical Cycles The carbon, phosphorous, nitrogen and sulfur cycles illustrate the law of conservation of matter the 1 st law of thermodynamics- energy Is neither created nor destroyed by it may be converted from one form to another
Fig. 3-7, p. 55 Nitrogen cycle Biosphere Heat in the environment Heat Phosphorus cycle Carbon cycle Oxygen cycle Water cycle
Biogeochemical Cycles Carbon Is an atmospheric cycle but can be found in all three spheres- air, land and water Carbon is required for formation of organic compounds in living things. Carbon is taken out of the air by plants during photosynthesis and is returned to the air by cellular respiration. Largest reservoir of carbon - sedimentary rocks (limestone) Second largest reservoir of carbon - ocean (dissolved carbon dioxide), living things in ocean.
The Carbon Cycle: Part of Nature’s Thermostat Figure 3-27
Biogeochemical Cycles Carbon Cycle 1. C in carbon dioxide in atmosphere and in water is moved to C in glucose by photosynthesis by producers. 2. C in glucose is moved to C in carbon dioxide by cellular respiration. 3. C in glucose is moved to C in organic molecules by synthesis reactions in living things. 4. C in organic molecules is moved to C in carbon dioxide by combustion. 5. C in organic molecules in organisms is moved to C in fossil fuels over millions of years by pressure, heat, and bacterial action. 6. C in limestone (CaCO 3 ) is released slowly to C in carbon dioxide when exposed to oxygen and/or water.
Biogeochemical Cycles Carbon Cycle- Human Impacts We alter the carbon cycle by adding excess CO 2 to the atmosphere through: Burning fossil fuels. Clearing vegetation faster than it is replaced.
Biogeochemical Cycles Phosphorous- Phosphorus is required in the form of phosphate ions for nucleic acids, ATP, phospholipids in cell membranes, bones, teeth, shells of animals. Does not contain a gaseous phase Is a sedimentary cycle - does not include the atmosphere. Recycled only if the wastes containing it are deposited in the ecosystem from which it came Limiting factor for plants
Biogeochemical Cycles The phosphorus cycle is slow and phosphorus is usually found in rock formations and ocean sediments. Phosphorus is found in fertilizers because most soil is deficient in it and plants need it. Phosphorus is usually insoluble in water and is not naturally found in most aquatic environments.
Biogeochemical Cycles Phosphate on land and in ocean sediment released by weathering into water and taken up by plants. Can be limiting factor for plant growth - is present in artificial fertilizer. Animals get phosphorus by eating plants or other animals. Decomposition changes organic molecules with phosphorus back into phosphate which dissolves in water which returns the phosphorus to ocean sediment or deposited as rocks.
The Phosphorous Cycle Figure 3-31
Biogeochemical Cycles Phosphorous and Human Impact Mining of phosphate for fertilizers and soap causes disruption to ecosystems. Removal of phosphorus from ecosystems by cutting down of vegetation. Most of phosphorus is taken up as biomass. Excessive phosphate in runoff from fertilizer, discharge of sewage, farm waste causes growth of algae, etc. (same problem as nitrogen).
Biogeochemical Cycles Nitrogen Is an atmospheric cycle. Plants and animals cannot use free nitrogen gas in the atmosphere. They must have nitrogen in "fixed" form. Nitrogen is required for proteins, nucleic acids in living things. Nitrogen is often limiting factor in plant growth because ammonia, ammonium ion, nitrate are water-soluble: can be leached from soil. The main reservoir of nitrogen is in the air 78% nitrogen gas You need phosphorous and nitrogen to build proteins and nucleic acids (part of DNA) Since more organisms are unable to use nitrogen gas (N 2 ), nitrogen fixing bacteria bind nitrogen with hydrogen to form ammonia (NH 3 )
Biogeochemical Cycles Stages: Nitrogen fixation (atmospheric nitrogen, N2, is converted to a more usable form by bacteria) Assimilation (absorption of nitrates/ammonia, by plants) Ammonification (production of ammonia, NH 3, by bacteria during organism decay) Nitrification (production of nitrate from ammonia) Denitrification (conversion of nitrate to N 2)
Fundamental Aspects Nitrogen Cycle
Biogeochemical Cycles Complicated version Free N 2 in atmosphere is "fixed" by nitrogen-fixing bacteria to NH 3 (ammonia) Nitrogen fixing bacteria live in nodules on the roots of leguminous plants (soybeans, peas, clover, and alfalfa.) Water in the soil reacts with ammonia to form NH 4+ (ammonium ion) Another species of bacteria can perform nitrification once ammonium has formed Assimilation - absorption of ammonia, ammonium ion, nitrate for use by plants to make nucleic acids, proteins Animals get fixed nitrogen by eating plants or other animals. Plants and animals are broken down by still other bacteria that convert nitrogen-containing organic molecules in organisms to an inorganic form of nitrogen (ammonia or ammonium ion) = ammonification Once this ammonia has formed, still another group of bacteria can perform denitrification
The Nitrogen Cycle: Bacteria in Action Figure 3-29
Biogeochemical Cycles Nitrogen and Human Impact We alter the nitrogen cycle by: Adding gases that contribute to acid rain. Adding nitrous oxide to the atmosphere through farming practices which can warm the atmosphere and deplete ozone. Contaminating ground water from nitrate ions in inorganic fertilizers. Releasing nitrogen into the troposphere through deforestation. Planting many legume crops Accelerates the normal rate of nitrogen fixation
Human activities such as production of fertilizers now fix more nitrogen than all natural sources combined. Figure 3-30
Biogeochemical Cycles Sulfur Cycle Is an atmospheric cycle. H 2 S (hydrogen sulfide) and SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) released into atmosphere from natural (volcanoes) and non-natural sources.
Biogeochemical Cycles Sulfur and the Human Impact We add sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by: Burning coal and oil Refining sulfur containing petroleum. Convert sulfur-containing metallic ores into free metals such as copper, lead, and zinc releasing sulfur dioxide into the environment.
Biomes Temperature and precipitation define a biome As you move from Arctic to equator, generally speaking, there is an increase in mean annual temp and mean annual precipitation Biomes tend to converge around latitude lines on the globe. Separated by physical barriers Ocean, mountains, etc
Biomes Terrestrial Biomes- Desert Temperate Grassland Woodland Chaparral Tundra Tropical Forests Temperate rainforests Temperate deciduous forests Coniferous Forests Taigas/Boreal Forest You need to study the difference between these biomes
BIOMES Human Impacts on Terrestrial Biomes Human activities have damaged or disturbed more than half of the world’s terrestrial ecosystems. Humans have had a number of specific harmful effects on the world’s deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains. Remember HIPPO? It applies here as well
Biomes Aquatic Biomes- Lakes and Ponds Streams and Rivers Wetlands Estuaries Coastal Oceans Open Oceans
Succession Transition of one biotic community to the next New environmental conditions allow one group of species in a community to replace other groups. Ecological succession: the gradual change in species composition of a given area Primary succession: the gradual establishment of biotic communities in lifeless areas where there is no soil or sediment. Secondary succession: series of communities develop in places containing soil or sediment.
Succession Primary Succession: Starting from Scratch Primary succession begins with an essentially lifeless are where there is no soil in a terrestrial ecosystem Examples: - Lichen growing on a bare rock - Glaciers recede and expose uninhabited soil - Abandoned parking lot - An area after a volcanic eruption where lava covered and hardened over the soil Figure 7-11
Succession Pioneer species- First organisms to live in a new community Usually brought in by wind or animals Examples- Moss, weeds, lichen, opportunistic species
Succession Primary Succession Mosses invade an area and provide a place for soil to accumulate. Larger plants germinate in the new soil layer resulting in additional soil formation. Eventually shrubs and trees will invade the area.
Succession Secondary Succession: Starting Over with Some Help Secondary succession begins in an area where the natural community has been disturbed. Figure 7-12
Succession Secondary Usually takes place after a land clearance Fire, landslide, forest clearing Soil is already there More rapid than primary
One Year Later… Thirteen Years Later…
Succession Each successive (new) community is more favorable for new species Changes in stages until a climax community is established The area is dominated by a few, long lived plant species Nothing can “succeed” the plants in this community unless some sort of natural disaster/act of mother nature occurs
Succession Aquatic Succession When a body of water is taken over by vegetation Water becomes shallow, less water volume and more fertile
Aquatic Succession This used to be a lake!