Welcome to... A Game of X’s and O’s
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1 “She sells sea shells by the sea shore,” is an example of…
1 Alliteration Home
2 Text that describes a photo.
2 caption
3 “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse,” is an example of…
3 hyperbole
4 “He kicked the bucket,” is an example of…
4 idiom
5 “Ouch!” “Whoa!” “Hey” are all examples of…
5 interjections
6 “You are my sunshine” is an example of a…
6 metaphor
7 “Buzz, Woosh, Zip,” are all examples of…
7 onomatopoeia
8 “The snow whispered as it fell to the ground,” is an example of…
8 personification
9 “She is as busy as a bee,” is an example of…
9 simile