Federal Geographic Data Committee Update Karen Siderelis, Acting Chair Ivan B. DeLoatch, Executive Director NGAC Meeting March 24, 2010
2 Topics President’s FY 2011 Budget Geospatial Platform Geospatial Line of Business A-16 Supplemental Guidance Data.gov Place-Based Policy and Programs Imagery for the Nation (IFTN) National Geospatial Forum
3 President’s FY2011 Budget In 2010 and 2011, Federal data managers for geospatial data will move to a portfolio management approach, creating a Geospatial Platform to support GeoOneStop, place-based initiatives, and other potential future programs. This transformation will be facilitated by improving the governance framework to address the requirements of State, local and tribal agencies, Administration policy, and agency mission objectives. Investments will be prioritized based on business needs. The Geospatial Platform will explore opportunities for increased collaboration with Data.gov, with an emphasis on reuse of architectural standards and technology, ultimately increasing access to geospatial data.
4 President’s FY2011 Budget cont. Action Areas Geospatial Platform Portfolio Management Improved Governance Framework
5 Geospatial Platform Draft Definition The Geospatial Platform is a portfolio of common geospatial services (data and applications) contributed and managed by authoritative sources and hosted on a shared infrastructure, for use by government agencies and partners to support their mission needs and the broad needs of the Nation.
6 OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance Currently being revised OMB recommendations Being reviewed by agencies Targeting late March completion
7 Data.gov Flagship of the Administration Concept of Operations (ConOps) document available to public Data.gov making enhancements prior to 5/21/10 (1-year anniversary) FGDC Team taking steps to add geodata records Incorporated suggestions from the FGDC Ex Com Metadata quality issues need further discussion Federal CIO actively pushing tighter integration with GOS and the addition of more geospatial records Incorporating services?
8 Data.gov Data.gov has set a goal of having 250,000 records in data.gov by 5/21/10 (1-year anniversary) ExCom has asked the CG members to propose data sets that should be in data.gov Data.gov V2 planning and execution has begun Development has been divided into teams, each focusing on one aspect, e.g. geospatial, web interface, reporting, etc. Lead for Geospatial Team are Jerry Johnston, EPA; Karen Siderelis, DOI; Dan Cotter, DHS Active engagement on how to integrate GOS with data.gov
9 Place-Based Policy and Programs Executive Office of the President Memorandum M-09-28: “Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget, August 11, 2009” OMB Budget Data Request No : “Place-Based Policies and Programs” “… to advance the Administration’s domestic and fiscal priorities and to increase the impact of government dollars by leveraging place- conscious planning and place-based programming.” “Place-based policies leverage investments by focusing resources in targeted places and drawing on the compounding effect of well- coordinated action. Effective place-based policies can influence how rural and metropolitan areas develop, how well they function as places to live, work, operate a business, preserve heritage, and more. Such policies can also streamline otherwise redundant and disconnected programs.” FGDC support and participation in Place-based policies under discussion 28.pdf
10 Geospatial Line of Business Update Architecture & Technology WG Common Service WG Geo-Enabled Business WG Lifecycle WG
11 Status Architecture & Technology Work Group Geospatial roadmap that follows the FSAM A component of the Geospatial Platform Common Services Work Group SmartBUY ‘rollout kit website’ Completed needs assessment survey for common services Team is working through initial five opportunities focused on quick wins and alternative approaches Identified geo-coding and metadata editors as short-term efforts; GPS receivers for longer term
12 Status Geospatial Enabled Business Work Group Developed Geo-enabling Curriculum for agencies seeking education around using geo-enabling Seeking place-based use case opportunities to aid partner agencies with best practices, metadata and business cases useful in their capital planning or other geo-enabling strategies. Lifecycle Management Work Group Revised A-16 Supplemental Guidance in draft and under review FY 2010 products include: Proposed portfolio management process and draft organizational metrics Proposed A-16 theme definitions, draft list of national geospatial data assets, and data validation approach
13 Imagery for the Nation The IFTN Draft Phase 1 Plan is having final edits incorporated Compilation of the appendix and supporting website Final editing and formatting of the document Distribution to the Steering Committee, Coordination Group and NGAC IFTN Business Case ExCom, NDOP, USGS supplying imagery licensing requirements IFTN Budget Request
14 National Geospatial Forum 2nd Forum targeted for April Audience – broad Federal and non-federal community Discussion about the implementation of place-based policies Possible Federal, State, Local, or Tribal place-based examples The event will be hosted on-line, last 1 1/2 hours, and included a brief introductory presentation followed by a facilitated discussion between panelists and participants Event planning continues
15 Thank you Questions?