Welcome to English Grammar!. Наклонение – это… Форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия к действительности.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to English Grammar!

Наклонение – это… Форма глагола, которая показывает отношение действия к действительности.

Mood We are reading now. They had a Grammar test yesterday. Open your books! If it is sunny, we’ll go for a walk. If he had this book he would give it to me. Изъявительное Повелительное Сослагательное

The Conditional Mood. If we opened more national parks, we would safe wild animals. If I were rich, I would help the poor animals. Если бы мы создавали больше заповедников, мы бы спасли диких животных. Если бы я был богатым, я бы помог бедным животным.

The Conditional Mood. If people hadn’t thrown waste in the water, our seas would have been cleaner. Если бы люди не сбрасывали отходы в воду, наши моря были бы чище.

The Conditional Mood. II. If we opened more national parks, we would safe wild animals. III. If people hadn’t thrown waste in the water, our seas would have been cleaner. (If __ + V 2 ), [ __ + would V 1 ]. (If__+ had V 3 ),[ __+would have V 3 ].

The Conditional Mood. Придаточное предложение, главное предложение. Conditional II. Маловероятное условие (настоящее / будущее). (If __ + V2),[ __ + would V1]. Conditional III. Нереальное условие (прошедшее). (If__+ had V 3 ),[ __+ would have V 3 ].

Define the form: He would pass his exam if he were a hard-working student. He would have passed if he had worked hard last year. If I were you I would work. If he worked hard he would pass his exam. Conditional II Conditional III Conditional II

Thank you!