Reading No longer any levels. Emerging, Developing, Secure. Reading comprehension test. Reading expectations. Please read for at least 5 minutes every night. Please sign the reading record when they have read. Ask them comprehension questions.
Maths No levels. Emerging, Developing, Secure. Maths test at the end of the year. Objectives have come down a year broadly speaking. More focus on applying skills to problems. Please help at home with number bonds to 10/20. Please support with counting in 2s, 5s, 10s. Daily triangle quick maths. Maths Passports
WRITING No levels. Emerging, Developing, Secure. Grammar test at end of year. Please support at home with using the correct grammar terms when reading. Nelson Handwriting – We are now teaching joined handwriting. Please support your child to complete a weekly handwriting activity. Support with spellings at home.