EDTECH 522 Final Project Presentation Virtual Collaboration Class using WiziQ November 17, 20091by: Nancy J. Sipes
Virtual Collaboration Class using WiziQ Purpose: Demonstrate how to create a free account on WiziQ Demonstrate how to create a virtual class Demonstrate how to create a test Demonstrate how to upload content for collaboration November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes2
Free WiziQ Account November 17, 20093by: Nancy J. Sipes Take Familiarization Tour Then click Join Now
Account Signup November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes4 Fill in Account Information and click Join Now
November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes5 address is login.
Update Profile November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes6 Update your user profile.
Familization November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes7 Review the tabs across the top.
Virtual Class November 17, 20098by: Nancy J. Sipes
Test Creation November 17, 20099by: Nancy J. Sipes
Uploading Content November 17, by: Nancy J. Sipes Students will be able to:
Ingenuity November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes11 Fellow instructors will be able to create online classes or conduct a virtual class. The platform is very similar to Adobe Connect; however, the class can be saved for revisiting. The classes are very interactive and has the Potential to engage every student.
Description of Final Project November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes12 The final project will be a tutorial on how to use WiziQ. I’ll demonstrate how to upload content for collaboration, how to create a class, and how to develop an test in WiziQ. With this tutorial, I hope to show fellow instructors and classmates how WiziQ can be an excellent asset in their Web 2.0 Toolkit.
Rubric November 17, 2009by: Nancy J. Sipes13 CATEGORY8642 Real-life Need Project identifies real-life need and relevance. Project mentions real-life need but lacks conviction. Project does not relate to the real-life need mentioned. Project is missing the real- life need. Includes either use, discussion, or research about online teaching tools Project is directly related to online teaching tools. Project indirectly relates to online teaching tools. Project mentions online teaching tools but is not relevant to the presentation. Project lacks any relevance to online teaching tools. Organization Content is well organized using headings or bulleted lists to group related material. Project complies with the C.R.A.P. principles. Uses headings or bulleted lists to organize, but the overall organization of topics appears flawed. Project applies some of the C.R.A.P. principles. Content is logically organized for the most part. C.R.A.P. principle is partially applied. There was no clear logical organizational structure, just lots of facts. C.R.A.P. principle not applied. Mechanics No misspellings or grammatical errors. Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors. Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors. More than four errors in spellings or grammar. Presentation Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention. Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time. Delivery not smooth, but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time. Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost. Content Covers topic in-depth. Subject Knowledge is excellent. Includes essential knowledge. Knowledge appears good. Includes essential information about topic factual errors. Content is minimal or several factual errors Rough Draft Rough draft posted on due date. Shares with peers and extensively edits based on feedback. Rough draft posted on due date. Shares with peers and peer makes edits. Provides feedback and/or edits for peer, but own rough draft was not ready for editing. Rough draft not ready for editing and did not participate in reviewing draft of peer.