Winning with Past Performance
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 2 Winning with Past Performance JIM HILES
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 3 Why Past Performance? Converging to make Past Performance more important than ever: The Federal Government’s increased efforts to fully document, curate and use this stored information to evaluate offerors The Federal Government’s increased efforts to document all facets of contractor performance and The current heightened level of competition in the Federal Government contracting marketplace.
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 4 Assessing Past Performance Citations What are we assessing? Is this Past Performance write-up a good fit for a particular proposal How “good” is a Past Performance write-up Specific ways to improve a Past Performance write-up Company fit for a particular project or team
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 5 Past Performance Ranking on 13 spectra Customer response to Past Performance Questionnaire Writing Style # of variables Challenges overcome Contract type Firm capability Recency Relevancy: scope, $ value, client Statement of Work Dollar value Privity of contract Key persons Program support
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 6 What is the government doing Questioning current practices Improving inputs to and uses of the current system Exploring ways to increase accessibility Exploring the use of end-user/mass reviews Shortening cycle times
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 7 What are leading firms doing Proactively managing past performance information Using an objective customer satisfaction program Actively managing Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System reports (CPARs) Applying knowledge management principles to past performance information Using past performance and customer satisfaction inputs to improve performance and operations
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 8 The Future of Past Performance Shorter cycle times Standardization and digitization Data minable Information Identity of the reviewer will increase Accountability of the reviewer will increase Increased accessibility of information More parties able to contribute to reviews More interaction between buyers, sellers and interested parties Social responsibility metrics rise in prominence
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 9 What Are You Going To Do? Organize your Past Performance collection Assess and improve your write ups Actively monitor and manage your CPARS Integrate your objective customer satisfaction program into your past performance write ups and performance improvement
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 10 Questions
APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 11 Jim Contact Us APMP PO Box Washington, DC Phone: +1 - (202)