B EWARE THE G OLDEN G OOSE C ELLULAR A NTENNA I NSTALLATIONS ON E LEVATED W ATER T ANKS November 17, 2015 James Michel, PE, Water Resources Engineer II Fayetteville Public Works Commission (NC)
Introduction 2 Background - Fayetteville PWC What are the Benefits? Issues created by antenna installation Solutions found by Fayetteville PWC
3 Since 1997 leasing on water tanks to cellular carriers: AT&TSprintCrown Castle VerizonT-MobileNextel (now Sprint) Agreements for seven water tanks Five-year term Three automatic five-year renewals Termination with six months notice Background
4 Agreements for up to a specific number of antennas 147 Antennas currently installed (171 counting radio units) Commitments for 250 antennas Capacity for 135 antennas Background
5 Benefits
6 Issues Structural Maintenance Conflicts Site Access Contracts Capacity vs. Obligation
7 Issues - Structural
10 Issues – Maintenance Conflicts
11 Issues – Site Access Requires Multiple Locks Requires On-Call Staff Contractors Provide Little Notice
12 Issues – Contracts Short Review Times Limited requirements for access Are Fees Reasonable Are Monthly Billings needed
13 Solutions - Structural
14 Antenna installation now required on corrals Engaged in design of new/upgraded corrals Fleming & Associates (F&A) for third party Structural review of proposed installations F&A to perform post construction review and verification Solutions - Structural
15 Solutions - Maintenance Antenna installation now required on corrals Maintenance considered when looking at cable routings
16 Solutions – Site Access Require 48 hours notice for access Gang locks only allow site access, PWC Staff needed to access tanks Third party access control/security
17 Solutions – Contracts Access notice written into contract Reasonable review times Pro-rata share of corral upgrades Annual fees instead of monthly
QUESTIONS? Presented by: James Michel, PE, Water Resources Engineer II Fayetteville Public Works Commission (NC)