8 2 1 4 . 3 5 9 Look at this number… THOUSANDTHS What does each digit mean? 8 2 1 4 . 3 5 9 THOUSANDS HUNDREDS HUNDREDTHS UNITS TENS TENTHS
What does the 7 mean in each of these numbers? 4.71 7.041 0.078 TENTHS UNITS HUNDREDTHS Write down what the 7 means in each of these numbers: 12.372 72.1 107.55 0.837 7103.33 0.007 TENTHS TENS UNITS THOUSANDTHS THOUSANDS
This is ONE WHOLE Shade one whole one or 1 Each strip stands for 1 tenth or 0.1 Shade three tenths or 0.3 Shade 1.3 (One whole one and three tenths)
Shade 2.7 (Two whole ones And seven tenths)
Shade one whole one or 1 Shade two tenths or 0.2 Each small square Stands for one hundredth or 0.01 Shade four hundredths or 0.04
Shade 1.24 or one whole one, two tenths and four hundredths Shade 1.75 or one whole, seven tenths and five hundredths