PDSA/Fractal Data 8 th Grade Math
Steps to Identify Areas of Need Decided to focus on 8 th grade students in 8 th grade math Determined that I would like to see mastery at 80% and above; worked with this number through data collection process Over the summer, reviewed AIMS data in order to identify preliminary areas of need Administered District Pre-Test first week of school Confirmed areas of need and created a pre-test Did progress monitoring midway through first quarter Completed post-test during the last week of the quarter
SMART Goal Students will demonstrate an increased ability to master rational number operations by moving percentage of proficient students from 32% of students at mastery level to 80% at mastery level in a 5 week period ending October 15, 2010
8 th Grade AIMS Data: Number Sense and Operations
8 th Grade Pre-Test –Fraction and Integer Operations (7 MC Questions); percent of students at 80%mastery
PDSA – based on 5 question assessment covering rational operations; % of students at 80% mastery