Global Alliance for LGBT Education “We promote the full inclusion of people who are disadvantaged because of their sexual orientation or sexual identity and their expression by identifying, enhancing and sharing educational expertise.”
Homophobia in schools Introduction Results Conclusions
Homophobia in schools Introduction: The scope 63 teachers 356 students Religion 69% Spanish + 75 % Dutch: non-religious 70% Italians: Christian Ages Italians: Spanish:16-18 Dutch: 12-15
Homophobia in schools Introduction: The topics Social skills Teacher role modeling behavior Needs for sex education Homophobia Possibility to come out Prefer social policy and non-discrimination policy
Homophobia in schools Results: Sexual attraction Who do you feel attracted to?boysgirls only boys3%80% mainly boys0%9% both2%1% mainly girls4%1% only girls90%2% I don't know1%5% I don't want to tell0%2%
Homophobia in schools Results: Social skills Teachers answered positively to all the social skills topics that the students have to learn. Students scored highest on learning about respect and listening to the teachers and listening to each other.
Homophobia in schools Results: Teacher role modeling Students say that teachers should listen more to them. (Related to the outcomes with respect to social skills about listening to the teacher and also listening to each other.) A relatively high number of students have the feeling teachers do not display important social role modeling behavior.
Homophobia in schools Results: Needs for sex education Italian & Spanish students want to learn most about sexual diseases. Dutch students: multiple outcomes.
Homophobia in schools Results: Homophobia Students are homosexual, what should you do?BariDonostiaAmsterdam Friends77%92%61% Work together12%3%30% Sit next to someone else5%4%5% do not touch me6%1%3% Other boy want to be friends with gay student?BariDonostiaAmsterdam All of them would0% 7% The majority would43%26%64% About half of them would29%32%14% Most of them would not29%42%7% Almost none of them would0% 7%
Homophobia in schools Results: Possibility to come out BariDonostiaAmsterdam Yes7%25%16% Maybe, maybe not41% 57% No51%34%27%
Homophobia in schools Results: Prefer social policy and non- discrimination policy What needs to be changed in your school?BariDonostiaAmsterdam Rules24%21%4% Reprimanding22%30%42% Information35%37%25% Alliance7%3%4% Help gay students11%9%25%
Homophobia in schools Conclusions 1.There are different relationships between students and teachers in the 3 countries. 2.Respect and self-confidence seem to be the most important things for the students to learn. But what is respect? 3.What should teachers learn to be competent concerning LGBT issues?