3 Sudanese boys in search of a better life and education because of Arabian oppression and their constant attacks on the boys homeland. The Kenyans took advantage of their refugees, and the refugees became homeless with nothing to live off.
The lady didn’t give Benson some food, because he was from a different “tribe”. The people who attacked the small villages would rape the children of refugees because they felt they were less than human beings. Benson gets hit when he went to get water, people didn’t want anyone else getting their water.
A Muslim girl attending school in Boston experienced racism from her own friends. Everyone thought Muslims were dangerous because of the some Muslims were involved in. She was always asked if she was a terrorist, or if she was related to any of the terrorist that came on in the news.
In Belgium freedom to express religion is being taken away. Muslim women are used to wearing long clothes that covers them from head to toe, and now they’re not allowed to wear such things. People believe the clothes is too suspicious, and think that they’re terrorist. And to save them from the suspicion they banned those kind of outfits.
African Americans were always discriminated against, and this year, in Pittsburgh African American students aren’t getting the attention they need in school. They are being passed on, when they really need to repeat the grade. Instead the white kids are the ones getting the schools attention.
Recently in Arizona there has been racism towards Latinos. They order immigrants to carry their registration documents at all times. People who look suspicious, are questioned and asked to show their papers.
Racism is everywhere we look, whether we know it or not. To stop this bad habit that everyone might have, is to first stop judging people. Don’t label a whole race for something you hear or see on the news. Since we’re still young, we can start a club where students can talk about racial acts they see or experienced. We can spend an hour at grammar schools educating kids about racism.
Also educating Pilsen and our communities how to prevent Racism by getting involved in all kinds of activities with not just Hispanics, but a range of ethnicity. And we can have people come and talk about Racism, someone from a different race, or representatives from important organizations.
But most importantly you can start off by you setting the example and not encouraging racism in your own social life, in and out of school.