2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Pharoahs GeographyEconomyTechnology Egyptian Society
He was known as the “boy king”
Who was King Tutankhamen?
He was the greatest of the New Kingdom Pharaohs
Who was Ramses II?
Founded the Twenty-fifth Dynast in Egypt
Who is Piye?
This pharaoh united Upper and Lower Egypt
Who was Narmer (Menes)?
He tried to give Egyptians a new religion that worshiped one God.
Who is Amenhotep?
The fertile soil in Egypt was a result of this.
What is the Nile River’s flooding?
This river’s features provided protection from invasion
What is the Nile River?
The Nile Delta, Sahara, Eastern Desert, and cataracts provided Egyptians with …..
What is protection from invaders?
The floods in this river were dependable and regular.
What is the Nile River?
This is the largest desert in the world
What is the Sahara Desert?
Iron weapons and tools, incense, and wooden furniture were used for this.
What is Egyptian trading?
This reed plant was used in papermaking.
What is papyrus?
This Pharaoh concentrated on building the Egyptian economy
Who was Queen Hatshepsut?
This was the golden age of prosperity, achievement, and stability in Egypt.
What is the Middle Kingdom?
He made Egypt great by rebuilding the empire and constructing major temples.
Who is Ramses?
This was the tallest building in the world for 4000 years.
What is the Great Pyramid?
The practice of embalming the dead resulted in advances in Egyptian …….
What are advances in Egyptian medicine?
Ancient women in this civilization were not as powerless as other ancient groups
What is ancient Egypt?
This technology resulted from the River’s flooding…
What is surveying the land?
Egyptian name for Egypt that means “the Black Lands”
What is Kemet?
He was the chief god of the Egyptians
Who was Re?
Egypt’s decline and fall was due in part to this.
What is the use of iron ore to make weapons?
The Kushites moved their capital to Meroe to be close to this
What are iron ore deposits?
This is a collection of spells and prayers studied to help obtain the afterlife.
What is “The Book of the Dead?”
This is the Egyptian name for Egypt that means “the Black Lands”
What is Kemet?