Christine Lenehan , Council for Disabled Children


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Presentation transcript:

Christine Lenehan , Council for Disabled Children Transition and Preparation for Adulthood Christine Lenehan , Council for Disabled Children

What should the future look like? Shared responsibility which creates sustainable progress and better life outcomes for young people. Varied work experience based on skills and interests and leading to paid employment opportunities. Increased awareness of what is positive and possible. Choice and control. Preparing for adulthood from birth.

Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes

Institutions with new duties

Personalise Your Approach – Eleanor’s story Outcomes: Develop friendships To be part of her community Explore setting up a micro/social enterprise Improve expressive communication Personalised Post 16 option and support: Personal budget from post 16 education and social care pooled and taken as a direct payment; Team of personal assistants recruited and trained; Personalised weekly timetable designed to achieve outcomes; Personal assistants can continue to support Eleanor when she leaves education and eventually moves into supported living.

Matthew’s Story Work experience from age 11 Person centred review with PfA focus Outcomes - Paid employment and to live in his own home 4 planning sessions to support full involvement Input from Adult Social Care: Personal Budget? Enough to pay Job Coach? Link to Housing Association Now: Living independently in a job he loves;

Ready Steady Go: Moving through the programme Ready Steady Go: Each Young person (YP) progresses at their own pace 11-12 yrs YP and carer Introduced to Ready Steady Go programme 11 – 12 yrs YP completes Getting Ready Issues addressed in bite sized pieces. Agree goals 14 – 16 yrs YP completes Steady for progress. Issues addressed In bite sized pieces. Agree goals 16 – 18 yrs YP completes Go. Ideally all issues addressed prior to transfer. On-going issues highlighted to adult services. 1st adult clinic YP +/- carer completes Hello Issues addressed. by HCP. Periodically completed again to ensure skills maintained and any issues addressed. Agree goals Transition website part of the communication package- trying to keep it simple and user friendly majority of transition is generic – links to sex drugs + rock N roll, education, benefits, bullying, psychosocial issues developing further- sub-specialities creating their own links. Smooth launch hopefully will result in a smooth landing- nobody wants a crash landing Preparing the patient for adult services as well as the adults services for the patient. Important thing is to empower the patient with the skill necessary for a confident successful transfer to adult services regardless of where they go in the country Carer completes parent/carer questionnaire alongside YP questionnaires. Any Issues addressed. Agree goals YP with learning difficulties completes as much as possible alongside carer who is YP advocate

Contact information and key resources Delivering support and aspiration for young people aged 14-25 – learning from the pathfinders – PfA Fact sheets: Links between the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Care Act 2014 - Personal Budgets for Post-16 Provision and FE Colleges - The Preparing for Adulthood programme is delivered by a partnership between the NDTi and CDC and offers training, support and resources. This can be accessed through the SEND regional hub or by contacting the programme directly Twitter - @PfA_Tweets

Next steps What would help you deliver outcomes like Matthews and Eleanors ? What support/information do you need How can we help ??