Unions Working in an Unionized Workplace
Learning Target I can explain the role unions play in an organization.
A crash course on the history of unions in America….
Industrial Revolution
Influx of Immigrants Workers
The American Dream?
Upton Sinclair – The Jungle
Modern Times
Early Unions
Hay Market Riot
Wagner Act of 1935
National Labor Relations Board
What is a Union? Employee organizations with the goal of representing members in employee- management bargaining over job-related issues.
Collective Bargaining The process whereby union and employer negotiate a contract of employment that binds both sides Common Negotiated Issues Pay Benefits Hours Working Conditions Safety Pensions
When an Agreement is not met… Grievance: A charge by employees that management is no following the terms of the agreement. Strike: A collective work stoppage intended to force an employer to alter it’s position on an issue. Boycott: Workers stop buying employers products or services
When an Agreement is not met… Lockout: Employer temporarily closes down operations to induce workers to alter their position. Mediation: A mediator talks with both sides and attempts to achieve a compromise.
Picket Line
Bringing the Rat out!
Unfair Labor Practices By Management Interfering with workers right to unionize Giving a union financial or other support Refuse to bargain in good faith with union
Unfair Labor Practices By Unions Refusing to bargain in good faith Forcing employees to join a union Engaging in illegal strikes Requiring excessive dues Attempting to cause an employer to discriminate against an employee because of union issues
Union Membership