YOUTH GUARANTEE Informal negotiations/ Technical meeting 28 February 2013
TARGETS TO ACHIEVE: IndicatorUnitBaseline 2011 National target 2020 Overall employment rate % of population aged (2012 Q3) 73 Youth NEET rate% of population aged Early school leavers % of population aged
PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG UNEMPLOYED The total number of persons aged years 257 thd. Youth unemployment rate (YUR) - 31,7% (Eurostat, 2012 Q3) Forecasted average YUR in 2012 – 28% (CSB) 22 thd. young job-seekers (CSB, 2012 Q4) 11 thd. registered at the SEA: - 87% aged years - 68% with low level of education and without qualification -40% with work experience, although in lower-qualified jobs Number of graduates in 2012 – 40 thd. (approximately 7% of them registered at the SEA)
PROFILING AT THE STATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Registered young unemployed ( ) Long-term unemployed (~2300) Without work experience (~6200) With disability (380) Lack of basic skills, language (~1250) Primary education or lower (3948) Secondary education, no qualification (3141) Vocational education (2387) Tertiary education (941) Re-integration into education career counselling Basic skills & competences, state language Youth workshops Job search assistance, career counselling Basic skills & competences Regional mobility grant First workplace/ voluntary work Subsidized workplace for unemployed with disability Vocational education programme Job search assistance, career counselling Basic skills & competences Regional mobility grant Business start-up grants Voluntary work First workplace
YOUTH GUARANTEES EducationEmployment Main measures 1-1,5-year vocational education programmes Workshops Voluntary work First workplace Other ALMP measures Funding (NDP)10,64 m LVL5,8 m LVL Output indicator 4504 persons7 000 persons A: Youth Employment budget line Coverage can be increased by: persons persons B: Decreasing duration of educational programmes C: Support from other ALMP measures
66 YOUTH GUARANTEE- 1 Support measures to young unemployed, including acquiring work experience ACTIVITY To facilitate transition of young unemployed to employment. OBJECTIVE Wage subsidies in the first workplace, voluntary work, workshops, consultations (career counsellor, psychologists, psychotherapists, labour relations and safety), support to drop-outs from education system – building motivation for returning and continuation of education, information and education activities for young people, employers and educational institutions on labour relations and labour safety, specific services for unemployed with disabilities (occupational therapist services, interpreters, specialized transport provision for persons with disabilities) TYPE OF SUPPORT (INCL. INNOVATIONS ) State Employment Agency in co-operation with employers and vocational education institutions, NGOs, State Labour Inspectorate and Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia BENEFICIARY ~7 thousand young unemployed involved in employment measures With funding of 5.8 m LVL, the RESULT will be:
77 YOUTH GUARANTEE- 2 Implementation of 1-year and 1.5-year vocational education programmes ACTIVITY To facilitate integration of youth (aged 17-25) into the labour market by supporting acquisition of qualifications required in the labour market OBJECTIVE implementation of vocational education programmes to acquire qualification within one to one and a half year. Support to educational programme adjustment according to the needs of the target group TYPE OF SUPPORT (INCL. INNOVATIONS ) State Education agency BENEFICIARY 4504 persons receive ESF support; 4053 of them acquire qualification With funding of m LVL, the RESULT will be:
PARTNERSHIP FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF YOUTH GUARANTEE SCHEME Enhance the role of career consultants and quality of services in educational institutions and PES Co-operation with municipalities, social partners, Youth organizations and educational institutions Improved dissemination of information on available measures in PES Counting of the 4-month period after registering in PES
OPEN QUESTIONS 1.Could Youth Guarantee scheme be introduced gradually depending on available resources? 2.What is the date for «entering into force» of Youth Guarantee scheme? 3.Is it possible to use ESF budget for career counselling services? Can involvement of social partners be counted as part of Youth Employment Initiative?