Fascism EQ: How did fascism in Europe contribute to WWII?
Definition A political movement that promotes: –An extreme form of nationalism –Denial of individual rights –Dictatorial one-party rule
Characteristics STATE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE INDIVIDUAL Cultural – censorship, indoctrination, Economic – controlled by state Political –Racist, one-party rule, Social – supported by middle class, military
Examples Mussolini – Italy Hitler – Germany Hirohito - Japan
Non - Examples France Britain United States USSR –Communism is NOT fascism –Communism has no classes – fascism does –Communism is international
Pictures of Fascism How do each of the following pictures demonstrate fascism?
Picture #1
Picture #2
Picture #3
Picture #4
Causes of Fascism? 1. Why was Germany upset after WWI? 2. What did many European countries want during the Great Depression? 3. Why would some European countries, like Germany, want a fascist government after World War I?
Benito Mussolini Italy – disappointed to not gain land after WWI Economic conditions worsened Started the Fascist Party 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome and demanded Mussolini to take power
Adolf Hitler Idea: Germany should overthrow the Treaty of Versailles Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI) Der Fuhrer – tried to seize power Jailed – wrote Mein Kampf Beliefs: “Aryan Race” and more land
Hitler German economy collapsed Made chancellor Fire destroyed Parliament building – they blamed the Communists
Hitler’s Speech Watch his passion while he speaks. Could he convince people that they need a strong leader? Could he convince people that he knows and understands their problems?
Hirohito Great Depression – blamed democratic government Emperor Hirohito – in control of the govt. Nationalism made them want to expand Attacked Manchuria
Choice Assignment Be an app designer. Come up with 4 pics &1 Word for fascism. You may not use the pictures from class today. Tap your own creativity. Create 4 headlines for fascism. The headlines must contain information about fascism (not simply silly headlines). The headlines cannot be facts.