Friday 3/7/2012 Take your seat Begin Warm-Up Warm – Up Many people were unhappy with the economic situations of their countries and democratic governments failed because of bad economies. People felt that if they had a strong ruler, things would get better for them. How would you feel? Would you trade your individual liberties for a strong ruler? Why/ why not?
Crisis Leads to Fascism Millions of people lost faith in democratic governments after the Great Depression. In response, people turned to Fascism which promised to: Revive the economy Punish those responsible for hard times Restore nationalism and order
Fascism Rises in Italy Fascism: loyalty to state & obedience to leader, extreme nationalism, one-party rule. Believed that: – Loyalty to ones country is important. – Nations should struggle- peaceful ones were doomed. – Loyalty should be pledged to one leader.
Fascism vs. Communism Similarities: Both systems were ruled by dictators who allowed only their political party one party rule. Both denied individual rights. In both, the state was supreme. Neither practiced any kind of democracy.Differences: Fascists believed that each class had its place and function. Fascist parties were made up of aristocrats, industrialists, war veterans and the lower middle class. Fascist were nationalists and communists were internationalists hoping to unite workers worldwide.
The Rise of Mussolini
Mussolini Comes to Power Mussolini: Vowed to give Italy strong leadership. Promises to rescue economy & rebuild army. Founded the Fascist party in October, 1922: “March on Rome” 25,000 Fascists demand that Mussolini be put in charge of the government. Mussolini “legally” took power as Italy’s Prime Minister.
Il Duce- “The Leader” Abolished democracy and outlawed all political parties except the fascists. Established secret police. Government censorship. Outlawed strikes Control of economy
No Recognition of Human Rights Religion & Government are Intertwined Disdain for Intellectuals & for the Arts Government Corruption Controlled Mass Media Labor Power is Suppressed The Characteristics of Fascism
Powerful and continuing nationalism Subordination to the State State Worship The Myth of Rebirth Militarism Militarism Enemies are used as Scapegoats
Mussolini was Hitler’s role model
Mussolini and Hitler
Hitler’s Early Years Volunteered for the German army during WWI. Joined a tiny political group THE NAZIS (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Oppose the Treaty of Versailles & Communism. Hitler becomes leader of this group.
Hitler Having a good time at lunch
Hitler’s Rise to Power Attempted to seize power in Munich he failed and was arrested. In jail he wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle). Germans are the master race. Treaty of Versailles was an outrage Germany was overcrowded and needs more lebensraum- living space.
Hitler Becomes Chancellor After leaving prison, Hitler revives the Nazi party and by 1932, it is the largest political party. Hitler was named chancellor and w/in 1 year he became dictator.
Hitler Creates a Totalitarian State Banned all political parties. Had opponents arrested. Created the SS Protection Squad Loyal only to Hitler Nazi secret police- Gestapo Shocked Germans into obedience. Took command of the economy Dissolved labor unions Government authority Put Germans to work
The Fuhrer Supreme Hitler wanted control over every aspect of German life. Turned to the media to shape his public opinion.
Hitler Makes War with the Jews A key part of Nazi ideology was hatred of Jews or anti-Semitism. The Nazi’s passed laws depriving Jews of most of their rights. Violence against Jews mounted Kristallnacht- (Night of the Broken Glass) November 9, 1938 Nazi mobs attacked Jews.
Synagogues were burned too
Jewish cemeteries were destroyed
European Countries Fall to Dictators The nations formed in Eastern Europe after WWI were also falling to dictators. By the mid 1930’s the world’s powerful nations were split into democratic nations and totalitarian ones.