Modern Water Rights BLAKE HANI
The Hohokam Tribe
The Hohokam Tribe
The Pima Tribe
The Pima Tribe
The Navajo Tribe
The Navajo Tribe
Discussion Question 1 In our current society, is it really possible to design legislation that gives all people fair access to water, or will certain groups, like the Navajo, who are at a geographic disadvantage always going to be on the wrong side of the deal?
Discussion Question 2 How might a society live so that it doesn’t demand more natural resources than are available? Or is every society destined to grow until it reaches a breaking point?
Sources Krech, Shepard. The Ecological Indian: Myth and History. New York: W.W. Norton, Print. Weisiger, Marsha. "Gendered Injustice: Navajo Livestock Reduction in the New Deal Era." The Western Historical Quarterly 38.4 (2007): 437. Web. DeJong, David H. Forced to Abandon Our Fields: The 1914 Clay Southworth Gila River Pima Interviews. Salt Lake City: U of Utah, Print. single-indian-tribe single-indian-tribe