Perinatal Mental Health Sue Atherton, Specialist Midwife for Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health Manchester Specialist Midwifery Service.


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Presentation transcript:

Perinatal Mental Health Sue Atherton, Specialist Midwife for Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health Manchester Specialist Midwifery Service

Perinatal mental health ‘No health without mental health.’

The Perinatal Mental Health Team Consultant Psychiatrist for Perinatal Mental Health. Consultant Obstetrician for Perinatal Mental Health. Specialist Midwives for Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health.

Our aspirations We expect parity of esteem between mental and physical health services. Promoting good mental health and early intervention. Challenge health inequalities. Improve lifetime health and wellbeing.

Our core philosophies Client at the centre of care. The importance of the clients voice. Shared decision making. Reducing stigma. Respect culture. Clients to have a positive experience of care and support they receive.

Drivers to do something different National institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health. The confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) reports why Mothers Die? and ‘Saving Mothers Lives’. All Babies Count (NSPCC). Working together to safeguard children. Munro report. Francis report.

The challenges for CMFT Between CMFT maternity services delivery rate was 8,452. Perinatal mental illnesses affect at least 10% of pregnant Women. Identifying the most at risk. Commissioning. Increasing number of referrals to the perinatal mental health service

Ethnic Origin Mental Health Referrals (incl Dual Diagnosis) – Total = 505

Making a difference Identify gaps within services. Perinatal mental health guideline and clear pathways. Training and development of staff. Creating the right culture. Working collaboratively with others. Resources. Audit to assess client satisfaction.

The Woman's journey Identification of risk. Make every contact count. Early intervention, equality of access and a ‘whole family approach’. Referral to specialised perinatal mental health services. Specialist Midwife for mental health to champion Women. Care planning

Women's comments I was worried that my medication would harm my baby. I valued the consultant psychiatrists knowledge and reassured that I could breastfeed. ‘I am so grateful of the support. I feel reassured’ ‘I found it hard to tell anyone how I was feeling for fear of being judged or not believed’. Its good to talk to someone who understands’. ’I felt like a horrible person and an inadequate Mother. Just talking about the depression helped a lot’. I suffered puerperal psychosis after giving birth last time. I am terrified it will happen again.’

Thank you for listening