UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 1 Physical Security Functional Perspective Mr. Richard Miller Chief, Physical Security Branch Operations Division OPMG-RM Workshop May 2007
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 2 Agenda Efficiencies through improved business processes & procedures. Integrating with major Army Initiatives
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 3 Efficiencies De-scope intrusion detection system projects –Can’t resource all that is desired. –Site surveys must consider what 190- series policy requires (AA&E, nuke/chem/bio, narcotics…) –Greater coverage might require reimbursable funds for AAFES, NAF, for- profit corporations, and discretionary areas –Inclusion of AR BASOPS reimbursable matters into PS policy is in development.
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 4 Efficiencies Enhance security, standardize operations & reduce costs: –Do our projects achieve these goals? –Can benefits be measured? –Business Case Analysis required –High interest in technology to achieve these three requirements
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 5 Efficiencies Manpower requirements –Existing and new requirements must be justified Availability Factor – CME – 2087hrs “ “– Gov Civ – 1740hrs –Expect critical reviews –Business Case Analysis required –High interest in technology to achieve these three requirements –If not tied directly to a DoD/HQDA requirement – will not validate –“Essential Needs” driving the Train!!!
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 6 Integrating w/Army Initiatives Physical Security Planning must consider: –Grow the Army –Global repositioning –BRAC (*) –Modular Force Growth Factors are critical for ACP throughput capacity (Guards and Entry Lanes) and IDS Replacement (# of Zones) *BRAC (closure). Does not automatically mean the site is off the IDS planning chart. Maybe PMCS $$ needed to strengthen existing system until doors close. * BRAC (realignment). Need as much info as possible to properly program IDS increases
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 10 Where are your FY08 MDEP requirements programmed What FY08 requirements are critical?
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 11 Rationale for requirements change: Reflects a significant decrease in CSG costs Includes increase in ACP Maint, Automation Maint., and ACP consumables Difference in AIM-HI: Does not include CSG requirements – funded for MDEP-VONE/VIRQ Does not include Mission req’s Does not include non-land holding MACOMs Rationale for critical requirement amount: Limited to CIV Pay (TDA), IDS/ESS/ACP Maint./Monitoring, Recurring Contracts associated with critical ACP Functions, and CSG’s. Requested Requirement Changes OMA ROLL UP for Base Operations Source data file is PB07 LOCK: Amount in $K
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 12 Rationale for requirements change: This is first time we broke out Mission separately! Rationale for critical requirement amount: Limited to CIV Pay (TDA), IDS/ESS/ACP Maint./Monitoring, Recurring Contracts associated with critical ACP Functions, and CSG’s. Requested Requirement Changes OMA ROLL UP (Mission) Source data file is PB07 LOCK: Amount in $K
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 13 Requested Requirement Changes OMNG ROLL UP Source data file is PB07 LOCK: Amount in $K Rationale for requirements change: See follow-on slides for Cmd & APE details Rationale for critical requirement amount: Limited to CIV Pay (TDA), IDS/ESS/ACP Maint./Monitoring, Recurring Contracts associated with critical ACP Functions, and CSG’s.
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 14 Requested Requirement Changes OMAR ROLL UP Source data file is PB07 LOCK: Amount in $K Rationale for requirements change: See follow-on slides for Cmd & APE details Rationale for critical requirement amount: See follow-on slides for Cmd & APE details
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 15 Rationale for requirements change: PSE items have completed RDT&E cycle – now ready for production ACP automation investment New req’s due to BRAC, modularity & IGPBS (mainly alarm systems) $150M ACP FY06 Supplemental did not survive OSD – added into FY08-10 OPA requirements and funding will roll to Command Code 210. Increase in ESS to comply w/SecDef directive to secure Bio assets (AR 190-xx, Biological Select Agent & Toxin Security Program) Rationale for critical requirement amount: PSE items have completed RDT&E cycle – now ready for production Complete VCSA-directed ACPEP initiative – installed portion Initial fielding of MDARS, LKMD, TVSS & FIRRE Initial ACP technology Re-hab alarms at large ammo supply points in Germany (Miesau & Weilerbach) Requested Requirement Changes OPA ROLL UP Source data file is PB07 LOCK: Amount in $K
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 16 FY08-13 UFRs UFR DESCRIPTION: Physical Security Personnel (CSG’s) Security Forces & Technicians - All personnel and operating costs associated with security forces whose primary or supporting mission is to safeguard personnel, facilities, or critical assets. UFR IMPACT: Cannot properly secure Army installations & facilities May require Borrowed Military Manpower (BMM) Degrades Army readiness Increases vulnerability to Soldiers, their families and civilian employees (Amount in $K) UFR Priority: 1
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 17 FY08-13 UFRs (Amount in $K) UFR Priority: 2 UFR DESCRIPTION: Procurement of physical security systems for use in automated access control, access control point equipment program (ACPEP), intrusion detection systems (IDS), personnel identity management, and comprehensive force protection applications. UFR IMPACT: Cannot complete VCSA-directed ACPEP initiative (installed portion), which will result in - Delayed fielding of ACP automated identification technology; which will result in a – Continuation of the contract security guard requirement to check ID cards. Unable to secure arms, ammunition, explosives and sensitive items in a safe, secure manner (IDS) Aging IDS means more guards Some older IDS no longer have repair parts in inventory
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 18 Issues Approximately $150M OPA needed each year. Needs will increase as more tactical PS equipment items come out of their RDT&E phase, Technology for Access Control Points goes into place and until the VCSA- Directed Access Control Point Equipment Program is completed. Need better fidelity on USAREUR IGPBS schedule. Funding for ARCENT (Current guidance is that CONOPS funds Iraq & Afghanistan) Detailed Way Ahead for Army ACP Automation pending final results of Ft. Hood Demo – Aug/Sep 06. In discussion w/EE PEG reps regarding transferring dual-use PSE. Installed portion of ACPEP ($150M) remains incomplete – requested unsuccessfully in FY06 Supplemental. ACPEP must be completed before new automation can be integrated.
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 19 Program Does Fund 100% authorized CivPay (not overhires) Fund maintenance/monitoring of electronic security systems and Access Control Equipment Begin to standardize infrastructure to receive ACP automation Provide for Production/Fielding of 4 new PSE systems (LKMD, TVSS MDARS, FIRRE) which will provide additional FP capabilities to deployed/BASOPS forces. Program Does Not Complete VCSA-directed ACPEP (21 of 133 CONUS installations) Fund CONOPS, AWCF, TWCF, DHP, and NAF requirements. Fund the total CSG requirement Replace Alarm Systems in a timely manner Fund New or replacement Explosives Detection Equipment. Fund New or replacement Lightly Armored Vehicles. Fund New CCTV or Access Control Systems at other than Installation ACPs. Fund New Blast Mitigation projects (window protection, blast walls, etc) Fund New Fencing, Lighting or other Site Improvements. Fund Training for critical PSE.
UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) OFFICE OF THE PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED (FOUO) 20 POM Building “Do’s” Do … –Put the bottom line up front by stating what you need. Then follow that fact with supporting details. –Cite Army physical security policy requirements by regulation, chapter, para and sub-para. –Include enough details to validate. –Separate salary out from other personnel costs. –Cite one requirement per Schedule 75 record. –Cite project number for MILCON requirements.