13. Oktober 2010 | Dr.Marc Fischlin | Kryptosicherheit | 1 Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data Algorithms for Big Data, Frankfurt, September, 2014 Marc Fischlin Alexander May Arno Mittelbach
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 2 Big Data
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 3 Big Data Drawings by Giorgia Azzurra Marson
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 4 Big Data
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 5 What about security?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 6 Big Data
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 7 What about operations?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 8 Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data In a Nutshell Secure Outsourcing of Data and Functionality Privacy Integrity & Authenticity
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 9 The overall plan General Solution General Solution Specialized, Efficient Solutions Specialized, Efficient Solutions fully homomorphic encryption, code obfuscation,… Deterministic Encryption, Specialized Signature Schemes,… Specialized, Efficient Solutions Specialized, Efficient Solutions
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 10 The Map Reduce Framework Programming model to process large datasets in parallel ERGEBNIS Data Interim Sorting Reduce-PhaseMap-Phase (key, value) (key, List(value))
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 11 Map Reduce Framework: Goals Security (privacy and authenticity) e.g. via deterministic encryption How to work with low entropy in data packets How to handle integrity and authenticity Homomorphic Signatures, Aggregate Signatures Develop specialized crypto primitives for typical Map/Reduce cases.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 12 The Map Reduce Framework Programming Model to process large datasets in parallel ERGEBNIS Data Interim Storage Reduce-PhaseMap-Phase (key, value) (key, List(value))
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 13 IND-CPA Public-Key Encryption Encryption sk,b sk,b pk m 0,m 1 cbcb b Encryption process must be randomized. Given c 0, c 1, are they encryptions of the same message m?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 14 The Map Reduce Framework Programming Model to process large datasets in parallel ERGEBNIS Data Interim Storage Reduce-PhaseMap-Phase (key, value) (key, List(value))
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 15 Deterministic Public-Key Encryption Randomized PKE m m E E E E E E E E pk c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 Deterministic PKE m m E E E E E E E E pk c c How to define security?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 16 DPKE is cannot be IND-CPA secure Deterministic PKE m m E E E E E E E E pk c c Encryption sk,b sk,b pk m 0,m 1 cbcb b Solution: If messages contain entropy, then encryptions are indistinguishable
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 17 DPKE security Deterministic PKE m m E E E E E E E E pk c c Encryption sk,b sk,b pk m0,m1m0,m1 cbcb b Vectors of same length Each value has min-entropy No communication Challenge: Current schemes require that every plaintext has high min-entropy conditioned on all previous.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 18 The Map Reduce Framework Programming Model to process large datasets in parallel ERGEBNIS Data Interim Storage Reduce-PhaseMap-Phase (key, value) (key, List(value))
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 19 The overall plan General Solution General Solution Specialized, Efficient Solutions Specialized, Efficient Solutions fully homomorphic encryption, code obfuscation,… Deterministic Encryption, Specialized Signature Schemes,… General Solution General Solution
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 20 Code Obfuscation: The Software Engineering View Obfuscation is a heuristic that makes reverse engineering hard.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 21 Provable Security Thm: If assumption X holds then construction O is secure. The Obfuscation Scheme A well understood problem is difficult: e.g. Factoring No adversary can win a well specified game.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 22 ? ? VBB – Obfuscation (Virtual Black-Box) For every there exists a Indistinguishable output An adversary can only do so much as one that only has oracle access.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 23 VBB – Obfuscation: security proof For every there exists a Indistinguishable output Proof existence: e.g. give construction Proof that existence contradicts assumption Obfuscator O ? ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 24 What if VBB-Obfuscation exists? Secure communication kk EncryptDecrypt k m c m Secret keys
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 25 What if VBB-Obfuscation exists? Secure communication EncryptDecrypt k m c m k k pk
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 26 What about big data?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 27 Obfuscation for Big Data Secure Outsourcing of Data and Functionality
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 28 m <- Decrypt(k,c) Perform operation on m Output result m <- Decrypt(k,c) Perform operation on m Output result Ciphertext c result
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 29 ? ? VBB – Obfuscation (Virtual Black-Box) For every there exists a Indistinguishable output An adversary can only do so much as one that only has oracle access. Solves all (or at least many of) our problems VBB Obfuscation does not exist [BGIRSVY01]
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 30 VBB Obfuscation does not exist [BGIRSVY01] All Functions [BGIRSVY01]
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 31 VBB Obfuscation does not exist [BGIRSVY01] All Functions [BGIRSVY01]
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 32 VBB Obfuscation does not exist [BGIRSVY01] All Functions [BGIRSVY01]
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 33 [Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai, Waters 2013] Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for all circuits Indistinguishability Obfuscation exists for all functions.
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 34 Indistinguishability Obfuscation (iO) For any two programs that implement the same function, their obfuscations look identical. ? ? ? ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 35 So what?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 36 Indistinguishability Obfuscator Best Obfuscator for P 2 Ind. Obfuscation (iO) is best possible Obfuscation P1P1 P2P2 P 1 or P 2 ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 37 iO for Big Data iO is somewhat weird but incredibly useful! How to use iO? What can we do with iO?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 38 How to use Ind. Obfuscation (iO) A pseudorandom generator PRG: {0,1} n -> {0,1} 2n is a function such that no efficient adversary can distinguish PRG(s) for a random s in {0,1} n from a random t in {0,1} 2n Sample t in {0,1} 2n Sample s in {0,1} n t PRG(s) ? ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 39 How to use Ind. Obfuscation (iO) A pseudorandom generator PRG: {0,1} n -> {0,1} 2n is a function such that no efficient adversary can distinguish PRG(s) for a random s in {0,1} n from a random t in {0,1} 2n return “Hello World!“ x P1P1 if PRG(x) = t return “Hello World!“ return “Hello World!“ x P 2 [t] Sample s in {0,1} n t <- PRG(s) ? ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 40 How to use Ind. Obfuscation (iO) return “Hello World!“ x P1P1 if PRG(x) = t return “Hello World!“ return “Hello World!“ x P 2 [t] Sample s in {0,1} n t <- PRG(s) if PRG(x) = t return “Hello World!“ return “Hello World!“ x P 3 [t] Sample t in {0,1} 2n if PRG(x) = t return “secret msg“ return “Hello World!“ x P 4 [t] Sample t in {0,1} 2n if PRG(x) = t return “secret msg“ return “Hello World!“ P 5 [t] Sample s in {0,1} n t <- PRG(s) ? ?
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 41 Indistinguishability Obfuscation preliminary results Positive Results Functional Encryption [GGHRSW13] Multi-party Key-Exchange [BZ13] Two round secure MPC [GGHR13] Universal Hardcore Functions [BM14a] Correlation Secure Hash Functions [BM14a] Leakage Resilient PKE [BM14b] Deterministic Public-Key Encryption [BM14c] Negative Results No UCE1 and UCE2 [BFM14a] No Multi-bit Output Point Function Obfuscation with AI [BM14b] No Random Oracle Transformations [BFM14b] [BFM14a]: CRYPTO 2014 [BM14a]: ASIACRYPT 2014 [BM14b]: ASIACRYPT 2014 [BM14c]: in submission [BFM14c]: in submission shortly
Arno Mittelbach| September 2014 | Security-Preserving Operations on Big Data| 42 References Boaz Barak, Oded Goldreich, Russell Impagliazzo, Steven Rudich, Amit Sahai, Salil P. Vadhan, Ke Yang: On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs. CRYPTO 2001: 1-18 Dan Boneh and Mark Zhandry. Multiparty key exchange, efficient traitor tracing, and more from indistinguishability obfuscation. In Juan A. Garay and Rosario Gennaro, editors, CRYPTO 2014, Part I, volume 8616 of LNCS, pages 480–499. Springer, August Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Mariana Raykova, Amit Sahai, and Brent Waters. Candidate indistinguishability obfuscation and functional encryption for all circuits. In 54th FOCS, pages 40–49. IEEE Computer Society Press, October Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, and Mariana Raykova. Two-round secure MPC from indistinguishability obfuscation. In Yehuda Lindell, editor, TCC 2014, volume 8349 of LNCS, pages 74–94. Springer, February Christina Brzuska, Pooya Farshim, and Arno Mittelbach. Indistinguishability obfuscation and UCEs: The case of computationally unpredictable sources. In Juan A. Garay and Rosario Gennaro, editors, CRYPTO 2014, Part I, volume 8616 of LNCS, pages 188–205. Springer, August Christina Brzuska and Arno Mittelbach. Indistinguishability obfuscation versus multibit point obfuscation with auxiliary input. In Palash Sarkar and Tetsu Iwata, editors, ASIACRYPT 2014, LNCS, pages ??–??, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 7–11, Springer, Berlin, Germany Christina Brzuska and Arno Mittelbach. Using indistinguishability obfuscation via uces. In Palash Sarkar and Tetsu Iwata, editors, ASIACRYPT 2014, LNCS, pages ??–??, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 7–11, Springer, Berlin, Germany. Christina Brzuska and Arno Mittelbach. Deterministic Public-Key Encryption from Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Point Obfuscation. Preprint Christina Brzuska, Pooya Farshim, and Arno Mittelbach. Random Oracle Uninstantiability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation. Preprint