Jeopardy Chapter 2
Sleep Dreams Hypnosis Hypnosis Drugs Drugs II Final Jeopardy
Sleep100 Give 3 effects of not getting enough sleep (sleep deficit).
Sleep 100 Tired during the day Stress Premature aging Irritability Get sick easier Hard to concentrate/pay attention
Sleep200 What is the chemical in our bodies that is connected to sleeping and sunlight?
Sleep200 Melatonin
Sleep300 What is Narcolepsy? What is somnambulism? What is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep300 Narcolepsy:Falling asleep accidentally during your day Somnambulism:Sleepwalking Sleep Apnea:Your breathing stops due to intense snoring
Sleep400 What are the 2 theories of why we sleep?
Sleep400 1.To protect us from the things of the nightTo protect us from the things of the night 2.To regenerate our mind and bodyTo regenerate our mind and body
Sleep500 What is the control center for sleep in the brain?
Sleep500 The hypothalamus
Dreams 100 What is the sleep called in which we dream?
Dreams 100 REM (rapid eye movement)
Dreams 200 What psychologists was most involved in studying dreams and their interpretations?
Dreams 200 Sigmund Freud
Dreams 300 Explain the Activation Synthesis Theory of why we dream.
Dreams 300 Dreams are our brains interpertation of random nurons firing in the brain
Dreams 400 Explain the Physiological Function Theory of why we dream.
Dreams 400 We dream to stimulate our brain and help us grow.
Dreams 500 Explain the Information Processing Theory of why we dream.
Dreams 500 To organize and store thoughts and experiences from our day
Hypnosis100 True or false? Hynotism is legal on televison.
Hypnosis100 False.
Hypnosis200 Define Hypnosis.
Hypnosis200 An interaction in which one person makes suggestsions and the other person follows them.
Hypnosis300 What is hypnotic induction? What goes on during hypnotic induction?
Hypnosis300 Hypnotic induction is putting someone in a hypnotized state, What happens is the subject becomes very relaxed.
Hypnosis400 Explain the Social Influence Theory of hypnosis.
Hypnosis400 We are influenced by the social suggestsions of other people (it is external)
Hypnosis500 Explain the Divided Consiousness theory of hypnosis.
Hypnosis500 We are hypnotized because our awarness splits into 2 parts (it is internal)
Hypnosis II100 True or false? Some people are more suseptable to hypnosis than others.
Hypnosis II100 True.
Hypnosis II200 What is the best use we have found for hypnosis to?
Hypnosis II200 To control pain
Hypnosis II300 Name 2 claims of hypnosis that most psychologists do not believe.
Hypnosis II300 Super strengh Age regression Perfect memory recall Cures illnesses
Hypnosis II400 What is the placebo effect?
Hypnosis II400 A fake medicine that sometimes cures people because they believe the medicine was real
Hypnosis II500 What is a posthypnotic suggestion?
Hypnosis II500 A suggestion given to the subject by the hypnotists after the subject is in a hypnotic state. i.e. you will forget the number 3.
Drugs100 What is withdrawl?
Drugs100 The distress and unplesantness of discontinuing a drug after dependence
Drugs200 Name the 3 psychoactive drugs.
Drugs200 Alcohol Nicotine Caffine
Drugs300 Explain the differnece between Dependence and Addiction.
Drugs300 Dependence is feeling like you need a drug all the time. Addition is where you are dependent to the point that you cannot function in life.
Drugs400 What drug did Freud used to perscribe to his patients and used to be put in soda instead of caffene?
Drugs400 cocaine
Drugs500 Name the 2 types of depressants.
Drugs500 Alcohol, sedatives
Drugs II100 Give 2 negative effects of marijuana.
Drugs II100 Worse for your lungs that cigarettes Brain cell loss Memory is imparied Get sick easier
Drugs II200 What are 2 stimulants an an effect of each.
Drugs II200 Caffine: forced wakefulness, more energy, dependence Nicotine: Dependence, lung problems/cancer Cocaine: instant dependency, quick high, many health problems
Drugs II300 What is meant by one drink of alcohol and how long does it take for your body to metabolize it?
Drugs II300 1 beer, 5oz wine, 1oz liquer (1 shot) 1 hour to metabolize it
Drugs II400 Name 3 hallucinogens
Drugs II400 Esctasy LSD Peyote Mushrooms
Drugs II500 Name the 5 classifications of drugs.
Drugs II500 Stimulants Depressants Opiates Hallucinogens Marijuana
Daily Double
Daily Double
Final Jeopardy Define conciousness and give 3 altered states of conciousness.
Final Jeopardy Conciousness: Awareness of yourself and your surroundings. 1. Sleeping 2. Hypnosis 3. On drugs