SETTING THE SCENE Practitioners and researchers 4 complementary but different presentations Getting the most from the day: Impact on policy and practice Impact on research Collaboration/ future sharing of ideas, practice etc. Issues of methodology – Dr Mark Holton Plenary
THE DAY 10.30Registration and coffee 11.00Welcome Dr Sue Eccles, Dr Matt Cheeseman 11.00–11.45 Dr Sue Eccles, Marian Mayer, Camila Devis-Rozental 11.45–12.30 Dr Rosalyn Collings 12.30–13.15Lunch and networking 13.15–14.00Kate Thomas 14.00–14.45Dr Mark Holton 14:45–15.15Coffee 15.15–16.00Breakouts - sharing good practice / plenary
“Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…” Students from outside the UK: Bring different experiences and cultures Focus is often on integrating them into the UK HE and wider culture BUT do we miss the richness that they can bring both to the classroom and University wide? How can we better understand the habitus and social and cultural capital they bring? What can we learn about global students’ socio- emotional intelligence? And what can we do with that knowledge?
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Working with undergraduate international students On-going research reveals unexpected insights: Students’ lived experiences prior to and transitioning into UK HE Shift in habitus? Socio-emotional intelligence Inspiring students as co-producers “Globelonging” What we can learn from international students that informs policy and practice for all students in UK HE?
CAN YOU DO BIG THINGS ON YOUR OWN? Together Everyone Achieves More
IDENTIFYING RESOURCES TO SUPPORT LEARNING SUBU Students in coloured t-shirts Academic Advisor/Staff Seminars Clubs and societies Student Village/Students Houses
[BARRIERS] HOW TO OVERCOME THEM? Visualise the future you want Break your goal into small pieces Give yourself a deadline Reward progress (Milgram et al., 1998)
POTENTIAL FUTURE RESEARCH We have much more to learn Focus groups Habitus and social capital Transformative events
STEFANIA Sense of belonging Friendship Confidence Academic Experience Preconceptions Expectations
Developing the International induction Interviews Feedback Focus groups Literature “Feels more personal” “Gives us confidence” “Helps us make friends” “I belong here” “I wouldn’t do anything different” Group working/ Integration Global students Cooperative Feedback Globelonger
REFERENCES Albreght, C., Social intelligence: The new science of success. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bourdieu, P., Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Bourdieu, P.,1985. The market of symbolic goods. Poetics, 14, 13–43. Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J-C., Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture. London: Sage Publications. Bourdieu, P., Practical Reason. Cambridge: Polity Press. Goleman, D., Emotional intelligence. London: Arrow books. Goleman, D., Social intelligence. London: Arrow books. Mezirow, J., 1978a. Education for perspective transformation: Women’s re-entry programs in community colleges. New York: Teacher’s College, Columbia University. Mezirow, J., 1978b. Perspective transformation. Adult Education, 28, Mezirow, J., Transformation Theory of Adult Learning. In: Welton, M. R. ed. In Defense of the Lifeworld: Critical Perspectives on Adult Learning. Albany: State University of New York Press, Mezirow, J., Contemporary Paradigms of Learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 46, Mezirow, J., Transformative Learning: Theory to Practice. In: Cranton, P., ed. Transformative Learning in Action: Insights from Practice. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, Mezirow, J., Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Tinto, V., Leaving College: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Global students ResilienceAttunement Engagement/ Motivation Situational awareness Empathy/ rapport Socio-Emotional Intelligence in international students Albreght 2006; Goleman 1996, 2007