Arizona State University Public Speaking Redesign Meg McConnaughy Faculty Director of Public Speaking CALL Director
Our Original Problems High course demand for public speaking Limited number of sections offered “Course drift” with multiple instructors Variation of public speaking anxiety between classes
Solving these problems Traditional Course 200 seats offered annually Multiple syllabi Multiple textbooks Varying points of emphasis Redesign Course 600 seats offered annually Common syllabus Single textbook Consistent product for students and instructors
Improving Student Learning Single instructor for lecture portion Undergraduate assistant teachers trained by instructor Peer evaluation Increased comfort and confidence Increased student mastery of student content More frequent testing for instructor feedback Progress measured with PRPSA and PRCA-24
Cost Savings Increased capacity of course enrollment threefold Traditional course costs $321 per student Redesign course costs $142 per student Savings of $179 per student
Redesign Issues and Obstacles Scheduling issues for Assistant Teachers Meetings Attending Classes Allowing enough preparation time for training and testing of technology Technology for recording and distributing student speeches