Sales Presentation Skills
Start / Stop / Continue The Rainmaker Academy will equip you with a number of tools. To organize these tools in a constructive manner, use the Start/Stop/Continue matrix at the front of your workbook
Objectives Prepare persuasive presentations with a strong opening, body and closing Identify and plan for different audience types Use power visual aids
Fear Public Speaking is the #1 Fear Among Americans Death is #6
Fears in Public Speaking What are your biggest fears when speaking in public?
Presentation #1 In this presentation you will persuade a client to use one of the services you personally provide.
Four Key Skills S-Speaker A-Audience M-Message M-Media
Major Complaints Speaker Missed Audience Speaker Disorganized or Unprepared Speaker Noticeably Nervous Speaker Dull/Boring Speaker Read Presentation-Monotone Speaker Took Too Long to Get to Point Visuals Cluttered/Unreadable Lack of Credibility
Characteristics of a Commanding Speaker 1- Joy & Ease 2- Sincerity, Credibility & Concern 3- Enthusiasm 4- Authority
Eye Contact & Gestures Look at Audience Member - Don’t “Sweep” Watch for Feedback Look at Audience 90% of the Time Avoid “Mixed Signals”
Dealing With Butterflies
Overcoming Your Nerves
Handling the Q & A Period Ten Commandments 1. Anticipate 2. Listen 3. Be Brief 4. Talk Straight 5. Be Responsive 6. Give Specifics 7. Eye to Eye, the Redirect 8. Stay Polite 9. Be Firm 10. Diffuse with Humor
Audience Mapping ATTITUDE Q1 High Low INTEREST Q3 Q2 Q4 PositiveNegative
Know Your Audience
Presentation #2 In this presentation you will persuade a client to utilize another one of your firm’s services. This would be a service you do not personally provide.
Techniques to Build Presentation # 1 Plan Your Closing First #2Begin With the Unexpected #3Organize to Fit Your Audience #4Decide on Your Motive #5Keep It Simple & Short
Build a Powerful Presentation Trust Logic Emotion
Persuade a Prospective Client To Use Two Services. Presentation #3
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