Welcome to Cub Scouts! Purpose of tonight: Meet your local Cub Scout leaders, learn more about Cub Scouting, ask questions, and get your son signed up to participate.
What is Cub Scouts? Fun, family-oriented outdoor program of the Boy Scouts of America for boys in 1-5 grade. Involves a variety of family activities Encourages good behavior Teaches Lifelong Values Strengthens the bonds of family
What do we do in Cub Scouts? A Variety of Family Activities Sports such as baseball, soccer, and swimming Hands-on learning experiences about art, science, music, and computers Projects in woodworking, leatherworking, and sculpture Outdoor adventures such as camping, hiking, and fishing
What do we do in Cub Scouts? Cub Scouts is Fun….with a purpose Citizenship Compassion Cooperation Courage Faith Health & Fitness Honesty Perseverance Positive Attitude Resourcefulness
What do we do in Cub Scouts? Cub Scouts is family-centered Boys often begin projects at den meetings and complete them at home with the help of a parent. Such projects become the catalyst for parents and boys—frequently joined by siblings and friends—to interact with each other on an informal, relaxed basis.
How does it work? Grade-based (1-5 grade or 7-10 years old) Your son’s DEN of 5-8 Cub Scouts meets 1-2 times per month with Den Leader.
How does it work? 1 st Grade TIGER 2 nd Grade WOLF 3 rd Grade BEAR 4 th & 5 th Grade WEBELOS
How does it work? 1 st Grade TIGER Making my family special Where I live Keeping myself healthy & safe How I tell it Let’s go outdoors Help in the kitchen Fun Outdoors Reuse, Reduce, Recycle ……and more!
How does it work? 2 nd Grade WOLF Feats of Skill Your flag Keep your body healthy Know your home and community Tools for fixing and building Start a collection Be safe at home & on the street Making Choices ….and more!
How does it work? 3 rd Grade BEAR Saving well, spending well Take care of your planet Ways we worship Build a Model Tying it all up Sports, Sports, Sports What’s cooking? Be a leader ….and more!
How does it work? 4 th & 5th Grades WEBELOS Physical Skills (Aquanaut, Sportsman) Mental Skills (Artist, Showman, Traveler) Community (Citizen, Communicator) Technology (Craftsman, Engineer, Scientist) Outdoor (Naturalist, Geologist) ….and more!
Bear DenTiger Den Webelos II Den Webelos I Den How does it work? Your son’s DEN is part of your PACK which is made up of all the dens 1-5 th grade. Meets monthly for awards & recognition, skits, and games. Attends activities as a group. Wolf Den
How does it work? The Pack is run by volunteers…. parents like you! Den Leaders Asst. Den Leaders Cubmaster Asst. Cubmaster Committee Chairperson Committee Members
What do you need? Uniforms Blue Shirt-Tiger, Wolf, Bear Khaki Shirt-Webelos Neckerchief and Slide Brag Vest Patches
How much does it cost? Pack Dues Annual Registration & Boys Life $9.00 (prorated) Uniform Shirt $22.95 Join now and get a golden ticket to New Scout Fun day in October!
Thanks for coming! On your way out, turn in: 1. Completed youth application 2. Fees Don’t forget to pick up a meeting schedule for your new Pack and ask for your leader’s contact information!